Forgotten space
Quixote's True Blue
Denver CO

source: (FOB/DFC/DIN)AKG391>>>Oade T+ UA-5>>>R-09
lineage: R-09>>>PC>>>Wavelab>>>CD Wav>>>TLH>>>.flac>>>tagged in foobar2000 w/ live show tagger

taped, transferred, mastered, and uploaded by Corey/KIND Recordings

-set I-

01. Help on the way >
02. Slipknot!>
03. Franklin's tower
04. King Solomon's Marbles>
05. The music never stopped
06. Crazy fingers>
07. Cumberland blues
08. Dancin' in the streets
09. Bertha

-set II-

01. Shakedown street
02. Playing in the band>
03. Uncle john's band>
04. Morning dew>
05. Uncle john's band>
06. Playin' reprise>
07. Drums
08. Space>
09. Iko iko
10. Saint stephen>
11. Not fade away>
12. Saint stephen>
13. One more sat. nite


14. Mighty Quinn