Frank Zappa 1963-05-19 Carlos Hagen Presents Mount St. Mary's Concert KPFK-FM (T-1106)
This CD-r release is from a cassette tape that I got in trade many years ago from a fellow trader in California who claims to have a KPFK archive tape.
Mics and Recorder unknown>
Cassette generation unknown >
Playback Deck: Tascam 130 >
Nikko 32 Band EQ >
Akai DR16 Digital Hard Disk Recorder >
HHB CDR-800 Compact Disc Recorder >
CDR > WAV >CD Wave Editor > FLAC
1. (opening comments by Carlos Hagen)
2. Piece #2 of Visual Music 1957 for Jazz Ensemble and 16mm Projector
3. Piano Pieces from Opus 5
4. Collage #1 for Stringed Instruments
5. 2 Fragments of the Prepared Tape to be used in Opus 5
6. Opus 5
7. (question and answer session)
8. (closing comments by Carlos Hagen)
I removed a gap caused by tape filp and cleaned up the start and end. I also checked and made a speed correction if necessary.
I did the editing, mastering (tweaking), digital transfer and artwork for this version of this show. Please keep the text file and artwork, unaltered, together with the FLAC's.
Don't rename directories or file names if you share this.
Frank Zappa 1963-05-19 Carlos Hagen Presents Mount St. Mary's Concert KPFK-FM (T-1106)
Frank Zappa 1963-05-19 Carlos Hagen Presents Mount St. Mary's Concert KPFK-FM (T-1106) BACK.JPG 1.21 MB
Frank Zappa 1963-05-19 Carlos Hagen Presents Mount St. Mary's Concert KPFK-FM (T-1106) DISC.JPG 383.89 KB
Frank Zappa 1963-05-19 Carlos Hagen Presents Mount St. Mary's Concert KPFK-FM (T-1106) fingerprint.txt
Frank Zappa 1963-05-19 Carlos Hagen Presents Mount St. Mary's Concert KPFK-FM (T-1106) FRONT.JPG 833.12 KB
Frank Zappa 1963-05-19 Carlos Hagen Presents Mount St. Mary's Concert KPFK-FM (T-1106).md5
Frank Zappa 1963-05-19 Carlos Hagen Presents Mount St. Mary's Concert KPFK-FM (T-1106).txt
fz mt st mary's comments history.txt 2.48 KB
fz1963-05-19 (T-1106) t01.flac 74.71 MB
fz1963-05-19 (T-1106) t02.flac 56.54 MB
fz1963-05-19 (T-1106) t03.flac 24.66 MB
fz1963-05-19 (T-1106) t04.flac 21.77 MB
fz1963-05-19 (T-1106) t05.flac 33.27 MB
fz1963-05-19 (T-1106) t06.flac 89.16 MB
fz1963-05-19 (T-1106) t07.flac 48.89 MB
fz1963-05-19 (T-1106) t08.flac 3.42 MB
Don't alter the sound of this recording. The T releases are not to be used as a source for anyones so called remastering projects. If you want to do something find a better source recording and work from that. Don't just take what I have done and screw with it.
For Trade or Give Away only - Do not Sell - Do not encode as MP3 or any other format which degrades the quality of the recording.
December 23, 2005 T________
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: