Frank Zappa
Pauley Pavilion, UCLA,
Los Angeles, CA
1971 08 07
~~ from 1st gen Audience tape copy ~~
From the same master source as our previous unknown gen pbuzby seed of this show:
< >.
We think this version is a considerable sonic upgrade:
- 1st gen Aud
- speed here is consistant and correct
- sound quality: an overall B+, B for flawed parts
Only missing parts:
during Sofa Suite, 2 major cuts during Stick It Out.
available tapes according FZshows:
1971 08 07 - Pauley Pavilion, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA
140 min, Aud, B+/C
25 min, Aud B+
30 min, SBD, B
With Jimmy Carl Black on vocals (*). The Just Another Band From L.A. concert. First show with Don Preston.
The longer tape varies in sound quality but is mostly good. The shorter audience tape has songs 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8. The SBD is the unedited version of Billy The Mountain.
Call Any Vegetable [JABFLA], Eddie Are You Kidding? [JABFLA], Magdalena [JABFLA], Dog Breath [JABFLA], Billy The Mountain [JABFLA], Peaches En Regalia, Tears Began To Fall, Shove It Right In, Sofa Suite [incl. Divan, PP], Little House I Used To Live In, Mud Shark, What Kind Of Girl Do You Think We Are?, Bwana Dik, Latex Solar Beef, Willie The Pimp, Do You Like My New Car? [incl. The Groupie Routine, YCDTOSA1], Happy Together, Lonesome Cowboy Burt* [parts on YCDTOSA6), 200 Motels Finale* [YCDTOSA6]
This copy: 142.49 min, Aud 1st, B+/B
Source: 1st generation audience cassette: Master reel>cassette See notes*
Maxell XLII Epitaxial Cassettes > Nakamichi CR-7A cassette deck > Tascam US-122L >
Sound Forge 7.0 (record/edits/resample) > FLAC Level 8 > wav > Soundforge 9: minor edits (Cracks and Overlaps removed), minor re-tracking > flac TLH lvl7 w/SBA (904 MB)
tape collected by: TB
Transferred By: Drew51
Edited By: Drew51, flambay
Line Up: FZ, Mark Volman, Howard Kaylan, Jim Pons, Ian Underwood,
Bob Harris #1 (until July), Don Preston (from August), Aynsley Dunbar.
Guest: Jimmy Carl Black
Setlist :
00 Crowd - Intro [0:28] ��� cut at 0:21
01 Call Any Vegetable [JABFLA] [8:12]
02 Eddie, Are You Kidding? [JABFLA] [4:15]
03 Magdalena [JABFLA] [6:33]
04 Dog Breath [JABFLA] [5:01]
05 Billy The Mountain Preamble - False Start [2:40]
06 Billy The Mountain Part 1 [JABFLA] [22:47]
07 Billy The Mountain Part 2 (incl. Studebacher Hoch) [JABFLA] [14:33]
08 Preamble To Set Two [2:20] ��� w.cuts, no music missing
09 Peaches En Regalia [3:21]
10 Tears Began To Fall [2:33]
11 She Painted Up Her Face [6:37]
12 Preamble To Sofa Suite [6:03]
13 Sofa Suite [incl. Divan, PP] [13:40] ��� cuts at 6:46 and 7:10
14 Preamble To Fillmore Suite [0:55]
15 Little House I Used To Live In [4:24]
16 Mud Shark [5:01]
17 What Kind Of Girl Do You Think We Are? [4:43]
18 Bwana Dik [2:11]
19 Latex Solar Beef [3:24]
20 Willie The Pimp [2:54]
21 Do You Like My New Car? [incl. The Groupie Routine, YCDTOSA1] [7:46]
22 Happy Together [3:12]
23 Encore Break [1:17] ��� cuts in, no music missing
24 Lonesome Cowboy Burt [parts on YCDTOSA6] [3:31]
25 200 Motels Finale [YCDTOSA6] [4:12]
Total Time 142.49 min
* Master audience was recorded on reel to reel deck.
Thanks to TB for the the tapes!
2009 05 04- Drew51 ZRP/Zappateers Archives
Enjoy !!
-- Drew51 & flambay - July 2009
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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