Frank Zappa & The Mothers Of Invention
December 15, 1970 [1970-12-15]
Palais Gaumont
Paris, France
SORRY, I did not realize that so much of this show was released by Frank on one of the “Beat The Boots” box sets, but anyway, here is a Dime-Friendly version that contains the unreleased material from this date. I know, I shouldn’t even bother with sharing it but since Dime is the only place that I torrent to “it is what it is”…
Remaster of upgraded copy over supposed “3rd gen. reel Zappateers version”. Though derived from a common ancestor, that 3rd gen. reel is dull-sounding and monophonic, while this one is brighter and stereophonic. Many dropouts, level changes and clicks were removed seamlessly where possible, though some unfixable flaws remain. There are also some major mix adjustments from 2:02 to 2:44 of the first song wit a few short spots missing,
Lineage Master > ?? > “low-gen.” Dat.
Transfer [grner1 - circa 2000]: Panasonic 3700 > Macintosh with Digidesign Audiomedia III soundcard > Pro Tools (Normalization with many level adjustments, dropouts and clicks manually repaired seamlessly, DC offset correction and retracking - no EQ or noise reduction) > AIFF files > xACT (Flac level 8 files, tagged with sector-boundaries verified).
CD1 - first set:
101 Call Any Vegetable 14:32
xxx talk and tuning
xxx The Sanzini Brothers
xxx Penis Dimension
102 A Pound For A Brown > 6:47
103 Sleeping In A Jar > 2:53
104 Porko The Magnificent > 4:07
105 Sharleena 4:47
106 talk at end of set, applause and announcer 1:46
107 [cuts in] improvisations > 7:03
xxx The Air >
xxx Dog Breath >
xxx Mother People >
xxx You Didn't Try To Call Me >
xxx King Kong >
xxx Aynsley Dunbar drum solo >
xxx King Kong
xxx encore break
xxx Who Are The Brain Police?
xxx final thanks, talk and applause
Total - 41:55
The Mothers Of Invention, June - December 1970:
FZ, Mark Volman, Howard Kaylan, Jeff Simmons, Ian Underwood,
George Duke, Aynsley Dunbar plus special guest Jean-Luc Ponty.
Enjoy and SHARE!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: