another from the Circle Star Theatre series...known to some as "the Modesto Tapes"...
This show COOKS!...even Frank says that THIS show has been the best of the 3!
check "improvisation" for some serious FZ finger-burn.
thanks and salutations to all at the Zappateers Hub!
Conceptual continuity continues....!
addl. note: i had not visited the official FZ site for a long while...just found and bought the AMAZING 'ZAPPA-WAZOO' CD from the short lived 73 tour. If you like Franks music at all...BUY THAT CD!!!
-------------- original info:
Frank Zappa and the Mothers
1974 07 21 - Circle Star Theatre, San Carlos, CA
120 min, Aud, B+
1974 07 21 San Carlos, CA - Aud 120min B+
not available
note: Notwhatitused2B seeded somewhere a 113.20 unknown gen, reseed or upgraded version needed
- tzuriel seeded somewhere an incomplete and very nr version
113:24 (??gen) Aud B-
Hoosac92 (??gen) Maxell XLII 1995 tapes > Pioneer CtW 504R > Avance AC97soundcard
> CoolEdit retracking, level adjustments & speed corrected > flac frontend level 7
Thanks to Flambay for speed advices !!
Track list:
01 Intro
02 Approximate
03 Cosmik Debris
04 Gloria
05 Inca Roads
06 Crowd Noise-Preamble (tf at 0:07)
07 Andy
08 Tuning-Preamble
09 Special Amplifier-Fixing Music
10 Montana
11 improvisations (q: Village Of The Sun)
12 Dupree's Paradise (tf at 6:36, end missing)
13 Echidna's Arf (begining missing)
14 Don't You Ever Wash That Thing?
15 Dog Meat
16 Crowd Noise-Preamble (cut at 0:40)
17 Caravan
18 Stinkfoot (q: ??? -->from 10:08 to end)
Taper: ??
Tape: Hoosac92 Maxell XLII 1995 tapes
Transfert & Editing: Kristoftof 08 2008
Sample history:
This version: