Frank Zappa 1974 09 08 Bologna IT Our Man in Italy (Yellow Fish Records YFR 01)
Zutalors' silvers.
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Setlist: Cover says 9 tracks, but thre are only 8!
1 A Token Of My Extreme 2:11
2 Stinkfoot 5:21
3 Inca Roads 10:47
4 Approximate 7:40
5 Penguin In Bondage -T' Mershy Duween 8:25
6 T' Mershy Duween - Dog Breath Variations 4:56
7 Cosmic Debris 10:46
8 David Bowie's Soundcheck 4:23
Artwork included.
Bootleg comments and / or reviews can be found here:
Frank Zappa Our Man In Italy
Label: Yellow Fish Records YFR 01
Format: CD, Unofficial Release
Country: Italy
1 A Token Of My Extreme 2:10
2 Stinkfoot 5:10
3 Inca Roads 9:40
4 Approximate 8:30
5 Penguin In Bondage 8:30
6 T' Mershy Duween 2:30
7 Dog Breath Variations 3:00
8 Cosmic Debris 10:25
9 David Bowie Soundcheck 4:18
Bass � T. Fowler
Drums � CH. Thompson
Guitar, Vocals � F. Zappa
Keyboards � G. Duke
Percussion � R. Underwood
Saxophone, Vocals � N. M. Brock
Notes Live In Bologna 9/8/74
Our Man in Italy (LP/CD)
Sono di Passagio (LP)
Palasport, Bologna, Italy, 8-Sep-1974
Also issued as Sono di Passagio on 20th Century Frog (matrix number FZ-1974-A/FZ-1974-B).
Length: ~54 min
Sound quality: Audience B+
Label: TZ-1974 (LP) / Yellow Fish Records YFR01 (CD)
Musicians: Frank Zappa, Ruth Underwood, Napoleon Murphy Brock, Chester Thompson, Tom Fowler and George Duke
1. Tush Tush Tush (A Token of My Extreme)
2. Stink-Foot
3. Inca Roads
4. Approximate
5. Penguin in Bondage
6. T'Mershi Duween
7. Dog Breath Variations / Uncle Meat
8. Cosmik Debris
9. David Bowie Soundcheck
Track 9 is introduced by Zappa as the "David Bowie Soundcheck".
It seems to be George Duke's funky intro to "Dupree's Paradise", and not unlike "The Booger Man".
On Sono di Passagio, it is identified as "Is There a Life After Uncle Meat?"
("Uncle Meat" itself, ironically, is not listed there).
The Our Man in Italy vinyl, in 1983, had deluxe colour covers and/or green & white covers
and was pressed on 300 numbered copies on blue vinyl.
Sono di Passagio was made in 200 un-numbered copies.
The cover has the 20th Century Fox logo, with "Fox" replaced with "Frog",
and a black & white picture of Zappa with a guitar. Both black and white vinyl has been mentioned.
(The "Our Man in Italy" was inspired by Our Man in Nirvana,
which is a bootleg and an unreleased 1960s album,
and also a play on Graham Greene's book title Our Man in Havana.)
"This one was really shitty tracked, expecially in the last songs, so I retracked it!
It's a great show, with very very good sound for a 1974 audience,
so let's hope it will be soon on the tracker!
Here I retracked slightly tracks 1-4, and lot of retracking in the other tracks
(the "Penguin in Bondage"-"Cosmik Debris" section was really fucked up!)
Artwork is included!
Share and enjoy,
The Bastard Son
12-Oct 2007"
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