Frank Zappa
Syracuse Lectures
Gifford Auditorium
Syracuse University
Syracuse, NY
April 23, 1975
Very good soundboard?
This is music related but it isn't a music performance and the Dime mods have OKed this to be shared.
Some notes found on the internet:
Frank Zappa giving a talk at the Gifford Auditorium of Syracuse University on April 23, 1975, along with George Duke and Captain Beefheart. The talk is about how he first discovered music, the economics of the music business, shooting 200 Motels (and getting paid from the movie industry) and his creative process. There is a question-and-answer session following the talk.
Zappa answers questions about composing, difficulties of producing a movie; legal issues restraining an artist; magnet video tape technology (of the late '60s/early '70s); legal problems/artistic control/being signed with a major record company, doubling instruments, Fiddler On The Roof and practically anything that springs into the mind of any of the participants of this event.
While the talk is complete, it is not the full Q&A.
Transcript of the talk and full Q&A can be found here:
Disc 1
1. Introduction/Interview - Frank Zappa Speaks 44:47
2. Interview - George Duke, Captain Beefheart, Frank Zappa 24:04
Disc 2
1. Interview - Frank Zappa, George Duke, Captain Beefheart 21:22
2. Interview - Frank Zappa, George Duke, Captain Beefheart 10:51
Got this in a trade.
CDR > wav > xACT > flac 8
Images for this show: