Frank Zappa
Masonic Auditorium
Detroit MI
1980-11-26 Late show
~~ 1st gen Audience tape > DAT source, complete with fills ~~
available tapes according FZshows:
1980 11 26 - Masonic Auditorium, Detroit, MI
Late show
100 min, Aud, B+/B
Black Napkins, Panty Rap, You Are What You Is, Love Of My Life, Flakes, Magic Fingers, The Blue Light, Tinsel Town Rebellion, Goblin Girl, Heavenly Bank Account, Suicide Chump, Jumbo Go Away, If Only She Woulda (q: A Pound For A Brown), I Don't Wanna Get Drafted, Easy Meat, Stick It Out, Tell Me You Love Me, The Illinois Enema Bandit
This copy: 102.25 min, Aud 1st, B+
Unknown mics and recorder > Master cassette > Nakamichi deck(model?)playback (Dolby?) > "analog EQ" (see musigny23 note below) > DAT > (Capture:) Panasonic 3800 > TC Electronics Konnect8(firewire interface) > Intel Mac OS X 10.4.11 (PEAK 6) > Xact > flac > wav (16/48) > Soundforge 9: tracking, patching fills, downsampling > wav (16/44.1) > flac TLH lvl7 w/SBA (564 MB)
taped by: unknown
transferred by: musigny23
hosted by: Drew51
edited by: flambay
Fills from 2 sources:
1) unknown gen Drew51 (same master source as main body) for beginning of show
Lineage: Maxell XLII Cassettes > Nakamichi CR-7A cassette deck > Gina20 > Sound Forge 7.0 (record/edits) > wav (24/48) > FLAC Level 8 > wav > Soundforge 9: extracting fill portion, speed correction, re-sampling to 16/48, patching with main source
taped by: unknown (same master source as main body)
transferred by: Drew51
edited by: flambay
2) alternate Pat F. Master tape: ~100 min, Aud MC, B+/B
for tracks 11 and 17:
Source: Master audience tape
Equipment: Sony WM-D3 with Sony ECM 929's
Lineage: master Cassettes > Sony TC-WE825S cassette deck > Gina20 > Sound Forge 7.0 (record/edits) > FLAC Level 8 > wav (16/44.1) > Soundforge 9: speed correction, extracting fills, re-sampling to 16/48, adjusting volume level, patching fills with main source
Taped By: Pat F. (alternate master source)
Transferred By: Drew51
Edited By: flambay
Line Up: FZ, Ike Willis, Steve Vai, Ray White,
Arthur Barrow, Vinnie Colaiuta, Tommy Mars, Bob Harris #2.
00 Crowd Noise 1:24 °°° unknown gen Drew51 source fill {0:00-0:35}
01 Black Napkins 5:05
02 Panty Rap 2:52
03 You Are What You Is 3:58
04 Love Of My Life 2:11
05 Flakes 4:33
06 Magic Fingers 2:23
07 The Blue Light 5:03
08 Tinseltown Rebellion 4:49
09 Goblin Girl 4:11
10 Heavenly Bank Account 3:45
11 Suicide Chump 9:12 °°° tf/Pat F. fill {2:43-3:07}
12 Jumbo Go Away 3:48
13 If Only She Woulda (q: Pound For A Brown, Mystery Song #3) 9:17
14 Whisky Bottle Incident 2:18
15 If Only She Woulda (conclusion) 0:54
16 I Don't Wanna Get Drafted 2:45
17 Easy Meat (q: Thirteen aka Mystery Rehearsal Piece) 15:01 °°° tf/Pat F. fill {13:04-13:20}
18 encore break 0:29 °°° cuts in
19 Stick It Out 3:20
20 Tell Me You Love Me 2:44
21 encore break #2 0:32
22 The Illinois Enema Bandit (q: Alvin Lee riff) 11:41
Total time (patched version) 102.25 min
Unpatched tracks (musigny23 DAT source only) included in separate subfolder (136 MB):
00 Crowd Noise (unpatched) 0:52 °°° fades in
11 Suicide Chump (unpatched) 8:53 °°° tf/cut at 2:45
17 Easy Meat (unpatched) 14:46 °°° tf/cut at 13:05
Total time (musigny23 source unpatched) 101.21 min
thanks to the unknown taper (for the main source)
thanks to musigny23 and Drew51 for sharing this version
thanks to Pat F. and Drew51 for the alternate Master source (fills)
Enjoy !!
-- musigny23, Drew51 & flambay - November 2008
musigny23 notes:
Unknown mics and recorder
I remember this as coming from the taper. This was a mail trade. I normally didn't do that much. I also got some other things like the Detroit 76 and 77 tapes from him. I'm not in contact with him now but possibly could be to get a flat version and more info.
Master cassette Nakamichi deck(model?)playback (Dolby?) >
This taper, especially at the time of this trade, the mid 90s, was known for running things through an analog EQ to "improve" them, this sounds to me like
it has been "enhanced" in that way. It's quite "sizziley" to my ears.
If someone could reverse EQ it back toward a more pleasent, natural balance of sound that would be a good thing. > DAT
Capture: Panasonic 3800 > TC Electronics Konnect8(firewire interface) >
Intel Mac OS X 10.4.11 (PEAK 6) > Xact