Lineage: Nakamichi CM300 > Sony D6 > TDK MA-90 > Nakamichi DR-1 > Realtek HDAudio pentium i7 > Soundforge 10 Pro Highest quality setting Izotope 64 bit src downsampling / MBIT+dither *16 BIT VERSIONS ONLY> TLH
1988 02 23 - Mid Hudson Civic Center, Poughkeepsie, NY
135 min, Aud, A-
Stinkfoot [parts on MAJNH], What's New In Baltimore?, I Ain't Got No Heart, Love Of My Life, Florentine Pogen, Andy, Inca Roads, Eat That Question, Black Napkins, Packard Goose Medley, Let's Move To Cleveland, Tinsel Town Rebellion, Trouble Every Day [TBBYNHIYL], Penguin In Bondage (q: Jingle Bells) [TBBYNHIYL], Hot Plate Heaven At The Green Hotel, When The Lie's So Big, Jesus Thinks You're A Jerk, Sofa, I Am The Walrus, Zomby Woof, Stairway To Heaven, The Orange County Lumber Truck Medley (q: Watermelon In Easter Hay)