Frank Zappa
War Memorial Auditorium
Rochester, New York
March 11, 1988
Master Audience Recorded By seremetcc, Transfer By Keo!
Nakamichi CM100/CP1's > Marantz PMD 430, Tapes:Maxell XLII-S 90's
Recorded Handheld FOB On The Floor, Section 42, Row K, Seat 10
Transfer With Nakamichi MR-1 > Korg MR-1000 @ 1 Bit/5.6 MHz
Tracking/Sample Rate Conversion With AudioGate V.3.02 To 32/96 kHz Wave
Dithered/Flacked With Korg Aqua To 16/44
SBE's Checked/Fixed With Trader's Little Helper
Metadata Tagging With Tag&Rename
Set 1:
02.Introduction > Chunga's Revenge >
03.Packard Goose Medley >
04.Andy >
05.Inca Roads >
06.Lucille Has Messed My Mind >
07.Big Swifty >
08.Penguin In Bondage >
09.Hot..Plate Heaven At The Green Hotel (Tape Flip Near Start)
10.When The Lies So Big
11.Jesus Thinks Your A Jerk, Set Break **Removed - may be on Broadway The Hard Way**
Set 2:
13.Heavy Duty Judy >
14.Find Her Finer >
15.Orange County Lumber Truck Medley >
16.Texas Motel Medley >
17.Sofa # 1, Encore Break (Tape Flip After Break)
Encore # 1:
18.Whippin' Post
19.I Am The Walrus, Band Introductions
20.Encore Break # 2
Encore # 2:
21.Peaches En Regalia
22.Stairway To Heaven
23.America The Beautiful
Comments:A Huge Thanks out to seremetcc for recording
and sharing his source for this show!This is an excellent
recording in which a first generation copy has circulated
beforehand, now we have the correct lineage from the direct
master tapes, fun show and great performance!!!!!!
AS ALWAYS ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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