Frank Zappa
20-May 1988, Le Zenith, Paris, France
Available Recordings, according JN:
151 min, Aud, A-
The Black Page #2, Packard Goose Medley, Any Kind Of Pain, Dupree's Paradise, Inca Roads, Advance Romance, Who Needs The Peace Corps?, The Torture Never Stops Medley, Eat That Question, Black Napkins, Find Her Finer, Big Swifty, Ain't Got No Heart, Sharleena, Peaches En Regalia, Stairway To Heaven, Bolero, Bamboozled By Love, Loops, I Am The Walrus, The Illinois Enema Bandit, Strictly Genteel
This copy:
143.18 min, Aud MC, A- (B+ for flawed parts), complete with fills from M and TC source
Main Body (script tape MC):
Lineage: AUD > ECM 929 LT Sony stereo condenser microphone > Sony Professional Walkman WM D 6 C > maxell XLII90/master > A/D nakamichi/UA-5 USB > wav Audition 1.5 > Soundforge 5: speed corr., glitches removal, editing fills & patches, tracking > FLAV FFE lvl7 w/SBA
Taped by: script
Transfered by: walk
Edited by: flambay
M source fill: A-/B+ (very good sound, but mostly "swinging" hiss)
Lineage: AUD > ? > cass/? > A/D nakamichi/UA-5 USB > wav Audition 1.5 (raw transfer, tracked only) > shntool > flac frontend (lvl 7, SBE aligned)
Taped by: N/A
Transfered & Edited by: walk
Fill edited by: flambay
TC source fills: A/A-
Lineage: Aud > ? > cass/1st > A/D ? > wav ? > CDR > EAC secure mode > Audition 1.5 (retracked and inserts only) > shntool > flac frontend (lvl 7, SBE aligned)
Taped by: N/A
Transfered & Edited by: walk
Fills edited by: flambay
Frank Zappa's Band:
Paul Carman - alto saxophone
Walt Fowler - trumpet
Bruce Fowler - trombone
Mike Keneally - guitar, keyboards, vocals
Ed Mann - percussion
Robert Martin (Bobby) - keyboards, vocals
Kurt McGettrick - baritone saxophone
Scott Thunes - bass
Chad Wackerman - drums
Ike Willis - guitar, vocals
Albert Wing - tenor saxophone
Frank Zappa - guitar, vocals
disc 1
00 crowd & mic noises [0:48]
01 The Black Page #2~Intro [8:01]
02 Packard Goose Medley [7:22]
03 Any Kind Of Pain [5:37]
04 Dupree's Paradise [5:03]
05 Inca Roads [9:36]
06 Advance Romance [6:40]
07 Who Needs The Peace Corps [3:19]
08 The Torture Never Stops Medley [17:12] ��� tf TC patched - see below
��� intermission ��� cut M patched - see below
09 Eat That Question [1:46]
10 Black Napkins [6:46]
disc 2
11 Find Her Finer [2:38]
12 Big Swifty (q:April in Paris) [12:41]
13 Ain't Got No Heart [1:59]
14 Sharleena [7:41] ��� tf & flaw TC patched - see below
15 Peaches En Regalia [2:46]
16 Stairway To Heaven [9:38] ---> encore
17 Bolero [5:23]
18 Bamboozled By Love [6:50] ---> 2nd encore
19 Loops [3:00]
20 I Am The Walrus [3:31]
21 The Illinois Enema Bandit [8:05] ---> 3rd encore
22 Strictly Genteel [6:56]
Last Time played:
Strictly Genteel (FZ)
secret word: shellfish
tf = tapeflip
[ = cut at the end
] = cut at the beginning
~ = fading in/out or connects two or more tracks played like one (medley)
-IC = incomplete
& = added from dif source, complete or partly
��� = notes
flambay notes on flaws, cuts & patches:
05 Inca Roads
06 Advance Romance
��� these 2 tracks occasionnally have audible rumbling problems.
08 The Torture Never Stops ��� tf/flaw patched with TC source material {0,14-0.23};
��� intermission cut (no music missing) partially filled with M source {16.07-26} ("Did you have a nice intermission? - OK ...");
13 Ain't Got No Heart/14 Sharleena ��� tf: cross fade into TC source at end of 13,
14 Sharleena ��� {0.00-0.26} tf/flaws replaced by TC source material,
{0.26-3.30} & {4.55-5.05} tape damaged
--> flaws in high end over several spots in first part of track
16 Stairway To Heaven ��� @ 9.11 cut in applause to encore, no music missing;
18 Bamboozled By Love ��� @ 6.38 cut in applause to 2nd encore, no music missing;
22 Strictly Genteel ��� weak left channel, mostly mixed over with right channel (50-50), turning back to normal towards end of song.
Thanks to script for the mastertapes.
Thanks to walk for his relentless efforts in getting the script tapes
digitally transfered the best possible way !!
Thanks to M and TC for the filler material.
Brought to you by script & walk & flambay.
Enjoy !!!
Special note by script:
Paris 1988
In the late �80s I was starting as a freelance-journalist and by chance
I met Angie, an old english friend, at the Zappa-Show in Dortmund. She
was working with the Zappa-crew and told me that, if I would like to see
another show, she could organize tickets for me. Cool. A couple of days
later, 3 or 4 days before Paris, I came in contact with a former german
musician in a local pub. He was not a musician anymore. He was
delivering international newspapers. His tour was going from Cologne via
Brussels to... Paris. My chance!! Thats how I came to Paris.
In Paris I went straight to the Zenith, hours before the show. Angie
gave me an invitation-ticket and I was in!
Because I had nothing else to do I was "crusing" around the venue, when
suddenly some journalists were walking towards the hall. I thought "why
not?" and followed them... right into the Frank Zappa press conference!
Cool. And then Frank himself came in and was taking his seat 2 rows in
front of me, to answer the questions of the journalists. Of course I did
take my chance and asked 3 or 4 questions, for instance, if he might
think of playing with Ruth Underwood again (after the reunion with the
Fowler-Brothers...) Frank said, that he was still in contact with Ruth
but that she was married and had children and therefore it was never an
idea for him or Ruth to come with him on tour.
That was my little nice tiny conversation with Frank Zappa.
After that there was a photo-shooting ... and for hours I am looking now
for the few pics I took. I will find them, thats for sure... and then I
will post them here. Promised.
The Paris �88 concert was a highlight. Have fun. And a very big Thank
You to walk and flambay for converting my old tapes into this seed.
yours, script
-- - October 2006
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: