Frank Zappa 2018-09-21 200 Motels Strasbourg [24-48 Lewojazz-TomP remaster]
200 Motels - The Suites
Festival Musica
Le Zenith, Strasbourg, France
Performed: 2018-09-21
Broadcast: 2018-009-26 Francemusique 256/48 MPEG-TS recorded by Lewojazz > ffmpeg (24/48 wav)
Contrast Clause:
This post is a 24-48 digital broadcast extract, with additional remastering, art & tags whereas... is cosmikd FM is UniMuta AUD is juhab1 AUD
Fine Lewojazz art is included - thanks !!
Quality: EX
A great performance and recording, which just needed a little editing to bring out the very best.
TomP post on Dime, 4th Oct 2018...E njoy !!
Orchestre Philharmonique de Strasbourg
Les Percussions de Strasbourg
Francois Papirer, Enrico Pedicone, R�mi Schartz, Galdric Subirana, Thibaut Weber, Hsin-Hsuan Wu
Les M�taboles
The Headshakers
Franck Beele - trumpet
R�mi Charlet - piano
Guillaume Dumont - bass
Arnaud Havet - drums
Pierre-Yves Langlois - saxophone
Samuel Marthe - trombone
Eric Navet - percussions
Mike Varlet - guitar
Conducted by L�o Warynski
Lionel Peintre (Cowboy Burt)
Martina Ruiz (Janet)
Ali�nor Feix (Lucy)
Dominic Gould (Frank Zappa / Larry the Dwarf)
Zachary Wilder (Mark)
Nicholas Scott (Howard)
M�lanie Boisvert (The Soprano)
Nicholas Isherwood (Rance / Ginger)
Setlist (from unclemeat - thanks)
01 - Overture (3:05)
02 - Went on the Road (1:46)
03 - Centerville (1:01) end 5:51.200
04 - This Town is a Sealed Tuna Sandwich(11:41)
05 - Lonesome Cowboy Burt (4:00)
06 - The Restaurant Scene (5:02)
07 - Touring Can Make You Crazy (2:28)
08 - What's The Name of Your Group ? (11:15)
09 - Can I help You with This Dummy ? (2:40)
10 - The Pleated Gazelle (20:49)
11 - Magic Fingers (4:05) *
12 - I'm Stealing the Room (14:05)
13 - Shove It Right In (7:45)
14 - Penis Dimension (8:56)
15 - Strictly Genteel (9:32)
Total Time = 108:09
* additional tracks not sanctioned by the ZFT
Edit details (Nero unless indicated):
Removed all announcer
Increased volume by +8dB
Cross-mixed channels, 96:4 ratio
Complete phase inversion (Audition)
Tracked to the unclemeat setlist
Flac tags (Tag & Rename)
Flac 6 & md5 (TLH)
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
FrankZappa200Motels2018-09-21LeZenithStrasbourgFrance (4).JPG
FrankZappa200Motels2018-09-21LeZenithStrasbourgFrance (5).JPG
FrankZappa200Motels2018-09-21LeZenithStrasbourgFrance (6).JPG
FrankZappa200Motels2018-09-21LeZenithStrasbourgFrance (7).JPG
FrankZappa200Motels2018-09-21LeZenithStrasbourgFrance (8).JPG
FrankZappa200Motels2018-09-21LeZenithStrasbourgFrance (9).JPG