Lather - The music of Frank Zappa with Chris Norton
Governor Hindmarsh Hotel. Hindmarsh Adelaide
Lather ( pronounced Leather)have been Australia's leading purveyors of the music of Frank Zappa since 2008, they play infrequently and I have meant to go and see them for some time, but this is the first time I have done so.I should have done so long ago as this is a tight, gifted combo who give much more than the average tribute band. An excellent performance that had us all extremely impressed.
Nice to see Chris Norton (who used to play with Dweezil) on keys .He flew over from the states to perform for this show.Sound mix was excellent and the audience did little talking, no conversation took place near us during songs, although Tim Hogan has to put up with a bit of light banter between numbers with a 'friend' in the audience, who got though about 8 glasses of wine at least !!!, a fair bit of invective is involved , but this is standard practice for aussie males , its actually affectionate to call your mates bastards !!
There is occasional faint background noise from the distant bar.
Give it a go, I doubt you will be disappointed.
Gerry Masi - vocals,guitar
Tim Hogan - guitar, vocals
Gareth Davis -Trombone
Dave Saunders - saxophone
Chris Norton - keyboards,vocals
Jeremy Martin - bass
Ryan Simm - percussion
Jarrad Payne - drums,vocals.
set 1
Call Every Vegetable.
Tell me You Love Me
Peaches En Regalia
I Am the Slime
Village of the Sun.
King Kong
Pygmy Twilight
Magic Fingers
Florentine Pogen
set 2
Inca Roads(Chris Norton Keyboard solo)
City of Tiny Lights >
Willie the Pimp instrumental>City of Tiny Lights
The Duke Of Orchestral Prunes.
Dirty Love
Band Introductions again
Packard Goose
Moving to Montana
Zombie Woof
SP-CMC-25 cards >SP 12 volt BB > sony PCM M10 > 16bit wav >mac pro >adobe audition > lower applause using Acon declick > remove a few noises with healing tools> adjust levels and minor multiband compression to give more presence > balanced channels, right channel volume amplified about 2db >Flac using XACT ( LEVEL 8 )
Stealth mode 5 metres from stage slightly left
Recorded, transferred , edited by godzgolfball
dont sell or distribute for trade in Mp3 format .Buy the artists offical products to support them.
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