berlin (D)
unknown location
opening for Hardin & York
from a low gen cassette-copy (1st?)
part of the GEDEBA collection
very likely taped by j hanisch
hanwaker transfer
GEDEBA cassette played back on NAKAMICHI CR 7De (azimuth aligned!-dolby off)--> edirol 04 (16-44)->HD-minor changes in nero6->cdwave-seperate tracks -flac (8)
frumpy 1970
Carsten Bohn - d
Inga Rumpf - v
Karl-Heinz Schott - bg
Jean-Jaques Kravetz - k
see pic attached to torrent from sounds 9-70
a nice one from early on
01 indian rope man (fades in)
02 duty
03 unkown instrumental (barouqe ?)
04 rosalie
05 floating... incl drums solo
all thanks to GEDEBA for providing the cassette
uploaded to dime by hanwaker 2008-12-30
re-seed by FBAUER 2014-10-22
and again reseed by hanwaker 2018-01
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: