July 11, 2012 (Wednesday)
Koka Booth Amphitheater
Cary, North Carolina
Source: Sony C38B > Lunatec V2 > PMD661 OTS left front
Conversion: Audacity > Cdwave > TLH
Set 1:
1. After Midnight
2. Doing That Rag
3. West L.A. Fadeaway
4. Good Morning Little School Girl
5. Loose Lucy
6. Mississippi Half-step>
7. Ramble on Rose
Set 2:
1. Playin' in The Band
2. In The Midnight Hour
3. Here Comes Sunshine
4. Mountains Of The Moon>
5. Uncle John's Band
6. No More, Do I
7. Foolish Heart
8. The Days Between
9. E. Box of Rain
Recorded by Stan Roberts