Gandalf Murphy and the Slambovian Circus of Dreams
Montclair, NJ

1 intro
2 banter
3 grand slambovians
4 banter
5 silent revolution
6 banter
7 picture
8 banter
9 summers day
10 banter
11 windmills
12 banter
13 song for woody
14 banter
15 already broken
16 banter
17 genius
18 banter
19 pushing up daisies
20 long gone lonesome blues
21 banter
22 sullivan lane
23 trans-slambovian bi-polar express
24 banter
25 tink I know its you
26 banter
27 alice in space
28 banter
29 invisible

SP-BMC1 -> Olympus LS-10