Gang Of Four
Ole Man Rivers
New Orleans, LA
taper: Reed Hayward
kit: Sony ECM-990F mics > Sony TC-D5 > cassette master > CD-R > WAV > FLAC >
Adobe Audition CS6 (tracksplits, normalization, nothing else)
01 5.45
02 Return The Gift
03 Not Great Men
04 If I Could Keep It For Myself
05 Anthrax
06 It's Her Factory
07 Why Theory
08 Damaged Goods
09 Outside The Trains Don't Run On Time
10 Natural's Not In It
11 At Home He's A Tourist
12 He'd Send In The Army
13 Ether
14 Armalite Rifle
15 Ditch
16 Contract
17 I Found That Essence Rare
18 Not Great Men
19 Can't Stand My Baby
Reed supplied me with a WAV digitized from the cassette master before it left his hands.
Audio quality is superb for a recording of this age. The only thing that could better it
is something like the digitization of the master cassette aluche99 served up with his recent
U2 seed.
This matches up with the gigopgraphy listed here:
Included is a scan of the CD artwork Reed included.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: