Garland Jeffreys and his Coney Island Playboys
Nells Jazz And Blues
London, England
Source: audience recording > Core Sound Cardioids > Core Sound Batterybox > Sony PCM- M10 > wav 24/96
Lineage: wav 24/96 > Adobe Audition 3 > iZotope Ozone 5 Advanced > iZotope RX4 Advanced >
wav 16/44.1 > CD Wave > TLH > Flac 16
Recorded from about 35 feet from stage, over to the right-hand side.
01 crowd/intro
02 Coney Island Winter
03 35 Millimeter Dreams
04 I'm Alive
05 Any Rain
06 I May Not Be Your Kind
07 Until John Lee Hooker Calls Me
08 Mystery Kids >
09 Modern Lovers
10 Ghost Writer
11 ~~~~encore break~~~~
12 Moonshine In The Cornfield (accapella)
13 Hail Hail Rock 'N' Roll
14 96 Tears
Garland Jeffreys - vocals
Brian Stanley - bass
Mark Bosch - guitar
Tom Curiano - drums
Charly Roth - keyboards
J.J. Jordan - guitar
I didn't really know much about Garland Jeffreys when I saw this gig advertised. So I had a read up on him
and it sounded like it might be fun. It definitely was and I'm glad I went.
While I was listening to the opening band, "Du Bellows", I noticed a familiar face in front of me. Not six feet away stood Jimmy Page talking to some friends, he left soon after they finished their set. I've since found out that he likes their music a lot.
recorded, edited and mastered
April 2015
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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