Gary Burton Quartet featuring Pat Metheny - New Orleans Oct 1976, SB (reseed with fixes)

Here's The Gary Burton Quartet featuring Pat Metheny recorded in New Orleans 1976 on his "Dreams so real" tour with songs written by Chick Corea, Carla Bley, Steve Swallow, & Pat Metheny. An E.C.M. Essential,this Complete Show is taken from a Soundboard and the quality is Excellent!!! The exact date is unknown. Many thanks to the original seeder (please step forward)!

Gary Burton Quartet
Rosie's,New Orleans
October 1976

Gary Burton - Vibes
Pat Metheny - Guitar
Steve Swallow - Acoustic Bass
Dan Gotlieb - Drums

1) Intro - Open Your Eyes You Can Fly (10:01)
2) Vox Humana (8:59)
3) Ictus - Cyndrome (8:12)
4) Dreams So Real (4:07)
5) Turn Of The Century (8:54)
6) Sea Journey (10:48)
7) Eyes Of The Cat (7:17)
8) Falling Grace (7:10)
9) B & G (8:25)
10) Desert Air (solo Burton) (6:16)
11) Sirapon (4:50)
12) Colors Of Chloe - Outro (15:04)

Original info:
cassette SB Master > DAT > untracked cd >
sony screenblast extraction >
cool edit > cd wave editor > flac

Additional April 2010 fixes:
All tracks on this show had been split at some time with short fade outs, then redone to add the next song introduction after the fade out. These fade outs have now been removed and the set flows smoothly. Also removed a few static pops and Aligned sector boundries.

Flac> fixes > align SB's > Flac > Traders little helper

All the best in Music!
Jazamo April 2010