Gary Clark Jr
The Tabernacle in Atlanta, Georgia
Core Sound cardioids> Battery Box >Sony RH-910 > 24bit/48hz> SonicStage > harddisk >audacity >track split &-->16bit/44.1hz >tlh flac level8
00 - intro.flac
01 - Ain't Messin' Round.flac
02 - Travis County (fx).flac
03 - 3 O'Clock Blues (fx).flac
04 - Don't Owe You a Thang (fx).flac
05 - When My Train Pulls In (fx).flac
06 - Oh Pretty Woman.flac
07 - Please Come Home (fx).flac
08 - You Saved Me fx.flac
09 - Third Stone from the Sun - If You Love Like You Say.flac
10 - Things are Changin' (fx).flac
11 - Things are Changing (fx).flac
12 - Catfish Blues (fx).flac
13 - Blak and Blu (fx).flac
14 - Bright Lights (fx).flac
15 - Intermission.flac
16 - In the Evening (When the Sun Goes Down) (fx).flac
17 - Numb (fx).flac
Show notes: Recorded from the Left balcony at the Tabernacle. Connection to the battery box had a frayed wire. Parts of the songs with the (fx) tag are Mono, not stereo. It was great show by a great artist.
Don't sell. Support this great artist. Keep the music alive like Jared Houser
Recorded by Jorje
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
GaryClarkJr2013-10-16TheTabernacleAtlantaGA (19).jpg
GaryClarkJr2013-10-16TheTabernacleAtlantaGA (2).jpg
GaryClarkJr2013-10-16TheTabernacleAtlantaGA (3).jpg
GaryClarkJr2013-10-16TheTabernacleAtlantaGA (4).jpg
GaryClarkJr2013-10-16TheTabernacleAtlantaGA (5).jpg
GaryClarkJr2013-10-16TheTabernacleAtlantaGA (6).jpg
GaryClarkJr2013-10-16TheTabernacleAtlantaGA (7).jpg
GaryClarkJr2013-10-16TheTabernacleAtlantaGA (8).jpg
GaryClarkJr2013-10-16TheTabernacleAtlantaGA (9).jpg