Gary Clark Jr.
July 2, 2015 (2015-07-02)
Sherman Theater
Stroudsburg, PA
Recorded by Matt Markee (SRVFreak123)
1. Bright Lights (Have on Video too)
2. Ain't Messin' Around (Cuts)
3. When My Train Pulls In
4. Hold On (New Song)
5. Our Love (New song)
6. Travis County
7. Numb
8. 3 O'Clock Blues
9. Next Door Neighbor Blues
10. Catfish Blues
11. Don't Owe You a Thang(I Stopped recording to take video, turned out poorly)
12. I'm Gone (New Song), with me meeting Todd Wolfe [The Opener] (Left the Recorder on like a dumbass)
Encore: (Missed it due to me going to the backstage area)
13. New song(Maybe Blak and Blu? Heard it from outside)
14. Please Come Home(Invited a fan up to sing)
I got to meet Gary, thus as to why the encore was not on there, I left early so I was one of the first back there,
turns out I was the only one looking for an autograph, the rest were V.I.P's looking to hang with him, lol.
There were 2 (maybe 3) new songs played. An awesome version of "Three O' Clock Blues" and "Numb." I was on the side with the Bass Amps, so, it gets fuzzy at time,
I was the maybe 6th person to show up for the opener, everyone was unaware about an opener, so, I got an amazing place to stand.
Split into first 12 tracks for Matt (SRVFreak123)
Tried, didn't like:
Reduce bass
Double vocals
Volume to 100%
Double vocals
Volume to 100%
Equalizer boost 0 0 0 9.0 10.0 11.0 8.0
Volume to 100%
#2 tried, liked better:
compressor - reduced loud parts
reduce bass in equalizer
Volume to 100%
reduced some clicks & loud spots most tracks
spliced in approximately 6:10 of Ain't Messini Around from another source,
to try to make it more listenable
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: