Gary Moore
Ahsburnham Blues Festival
Source:audience recording
My personal subjective rating:A-
Linage:CDR from trade->EAC->TLH->(level 8)
Running time: 72:14
1.Since I Met You Baby
2.Walking By Myself
3.Need Your Love So Bad
4.I Loved Another Woman
5.Ain't Got You
6.Looking Back
7.All Your Love
8.Still Got The Blues
9.Too Tired
10.Further On Up The Road
12.The Blues Is Allright
The Band:
Gary Moore(guitar/vocals)
Vic Martin(keyboards)
Pete Rees(bass)
Graham Walker(drums)
Yet another quite a rare recording taken from Ahsburnham Blues Festival.Just put it on today for the first time in many years,and found out this one is definitely worth sharing from the archive.
It's an excellent sounding recording which features the live premiere of both "Ain't Got You" and "Looking Back"
As always from 2000, there is a wonderful version of "Need Your Love So Bad" played.
On the downside there is an annoying noize at 3:28 into "All Your Love",and in some parts the recording is a little too bassy,in particular noticable the last 4 songs.
I dont have info on the venue,or anything else about the Ashburnham Blues festival,so If someone knows,please share the info in thr comments section
Artwork not included.
Please keep this circultating in lossless format,and check the samples before downloading.
uploaded on Dime june 2008 by Rideinthel