Gentle Giant
The Whisky
W. Hollywood, CA
October 11, 1974
Barry Goldstein Master Series Volume 11 via JEMS
Recording Gear: Sony TC-55 portable cassette recorder
JEMS Transfer: Barry Goldstein Master Cassette > Nakamichi RX-505 azimuth-adjusted playback > Sound Devices USBPre2 > Audacity 3.1 capture > iZotope RX > iZotope RX9 Advanced and Ozone 9 > MBIT+ resample to 16/44.1 > Audacity > xACT 2.50 > FLAC
01 The Runaway
02 Experience
03 Funny Ways
04 Knots >
05 Guitar Duet > The Advent Of Panurge
06 Nothing At All
07 Plain Truth
08 In A Glass House
Known Faults:
-Nothing At All: end cut
-Plain Truth: start cut
JEMS is proud to continue our partnership with longtime Southern California taper Barry Goldstein. Barry began taping in the early '70s and has been active ever since, though his later work focused more on video than audio. In his heyday, Barry was a dual threat, recording the shows he attended and photographing, too, with impressive results.
His master tapes circa 1973-83 include several previously uncirculated shows and recordings of David Bowie, Genesis, Roxy Music, Fleetwood Mac, Rory Gallagher, Eric Clapton, Supertramp, The Who and others.
Beyond his own captures, Barry was a close friend of the late, great Mike "The Mike" Millard, attending many concerts with him as well as recording nights and concerts Mike didn't cover. Like Jim R, Barry shared Mike the Mike tapes with JEMS that are not in general circulation for our continuing Lost and Found series.
Vol. 11 of the Goldstein masters takes us to the Sunset Strip and a performance by prog-rock favorites Gentle Giant.
This is but one set from a five-night, multi-set stand GG did at the Whisky Oct 9-13, 1974 which, as legend has it, was a triumphant, sold-out success. The Gentle Giant Tour History website writes of the Whisky stand: "the band was rapturously received....The run of shows at the Whisky is legendary among Gentle Giant fans and is viewed as a turning point for their success in America."
The only document of Gentle Giant's 1974 Whisky run we could find online is a partial six-song recording of the stand from Oct 9.
As has proven to be the case across the Barry Goldstein series, his Gentle Giant master tape from October 11 is remarkably fine quality for the era, especially considering it is 50 years old, offering sonic clarity and punch. Samples provided.
JEMS thanks Barry for trusting us with his incredible audio, video and photographic archive, and for deciding now was the time to share that material widely with fans. Please let him know how much you appreciate it in the comments. Our friend has been having some serious health challenges of late, so now more than ever hold Barry in your hearts.
Of course, these shows would all be stuck on hard drives if it wasn't for the contributions of mjk5510. We couldn't do it without him. Thanks as well to Professor Goody for tuning the pitch.
We look forward to sharing more of Barry's master recordings in 2024.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: