THREE FRIENDS (Gentle Giant)
(sep 10, 2009)
Ropetackle Arts Centre
Shoreham by Sea, UK
audience recording
Sony ECM-717 > Yamaha Pocketrak 2G > USB > Soundforge > dB Music Converter. levels adjusted, no eq applied
I can't quite believe I've had the pleasure to see this lot twice in the space of 6 months, it really is such a treat to hear this music live.
Very similar set to last time but with a few additions, Empty City being a great choice but then so is I Lost My Head.
The band are definitely tighter now with Kerry more integrated than in the previous show, and he seems happier and confident, so great to seem him perform.
It's late, I can't really give much of a review now I'll leave that for the posters to come.
Alternatively, check out Progressive Ears where there's bound to be a few reports and links to pics/vids etc.
1st set
01 intro (a new Minnear composition?)
02 Prologue
03 Playing The Game
04 The Advent of Panurge
05 I Lost My Head
06 Pantagruel's Nativity
07 Empty City
08 The House The Street The Room
09 Just The Same
2nd set
10 intro (same as 01)
11 The Boys In The Band
12 His Last Voyage
13 In A Glass House
14 Think Of Me With Kindness
15 Schooldays
16 Mister Class & Quality
17 Three Friends
18 Free Hand
19 Giant
seeded by mr_rubbish on Sep 11, 2009 as torrent #266003
re-seeded by FBAUER on 2015-01-26
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: