George Clinton & P-Funk
Gainesville, FL
Alachua County Fairgrounds
Alachua Music Harvest
[G.A.M.A. Productions]
sbd > sony sbm-1 > denon dtr-80P @ 44.1kHz
dat>m-audio usb>wavelab>cd wave/flac
[recorded by Kevin Preuss for G.A.M.A.]
Due to severe weather this show was moved from the outside stage (which collapsed from rain);
The make-shift stage was small and rather crowded in the indoor market, set-up some 5 hours later...
the show started at around 1:00 a.m.
* note: P-Funk's management unplugged my XLR's from the soundboard during Maggot Brain (00:27:21),
util he was able to verify that it was ok for me to be out, and then plugged me back in a few minutes later...nice!
^ There are some bad pops, mostly during Flashlight, from the soundman changing inputs of the musicians on the fly, repeatedly...
...(the soundboard had only 16 lines, there were 24 musicians, so the soundman had to be crafty).
The original soundboard for the main stage was out of commission as a result of the storm.