George Harrison - Through Many Years
Reference :VT 181
Date :1999
Made In :
Quality :Excellent
Booklet & packaging :Excellent packaging: cardboard case, a 28-page booklet featuring liner notes, photos of George & Ringo
Total duration: 50:45
Liner notes:
Featuring unreleased and rare performances of "the other two" Beatles. "Through Many Years" is a tribute to the talents of George Harrison and Ringo Starr. The tracks included here have been taken from the finest sources available, including dubs made by late Abbey Road studio engineer John Barrett.
The recordings George and Ringo made in the early 70's bested those of their more esteemed colleagues both aesthetically and critically (as well as on the charts!) many times, and the music featured here does nothing to challenge that fact.
Many of the tracks on this set owe their appearance on this set to the Abbey Road vault search the late John Barrett undertook in 1982. The references cassettes he made while doing said research (...) are the primary source used for most of the tunes on "Through Many Years". Other songs have come from the finest sources yet, so sit back and enjoy some down-to-earth music from the quiet one with a little help from his friend Ringo.
(Liner notes' transcription by Tilleul,
1. I Live For You (Harrison)
George Harrison
This and the next five tracks were recorded during the All Things Must Pass sessions at Abbey Road between May and October 1970.
"I Live For You", an otherwise unreleased Harrison composition has previously appeared on other releases from an acetate source, but this is a beautiful sounding take from the Barrett dubs.
2. Dera Duhn (Harrison)
George Harrison
A real surprise find, "Dera Duhn", another unissued Harrisong, was first heard by most fans in 1995 in a short informal rendition played by George on ukulele in The Beatles Anthology. George, Paul and Ringo are sitting on George's Henley-On-Thames grounds talking about songs The Beatles wrote in India in 1968, and this tune was one of them. Here's a 1970 studio version, obviously unfinished, but still exciting to hear.
3. Gopala Krishna (Harrison)
George Harrison
Not one of George's more comprehensible lyrics but sill a pleasant enough tune which seems to be a remnant of his Radga Jrishna Temple work.
4. Going Down To Golders Green (Harrison)
George Harrison
A jam session in all but name, George is making this one up as he goes along, but does a good job of it. This happens to be the area in London where Badfinger lived, through whether that had anything to do with his namechecking the area is doubtful.
5. Get Back (Lennon/McCartney)
George Harrison
This is a prize; George taking the piss out of a song he certainly got tired of performing during the interminable Get Back/Let It Be sessions, with hilarious (?) results.
6. Pete Drake's Talking Steel Guitar (Drake)
(date unknown)
George Harrison
Ever wonder what "Danny Boy" or "Bridge Over Troubled Water" would sound like if performed vocally through a steel guitar ? Well, you're about to find out as the late, great Pete Drake, showed George & Co. how it was done in this All Things Must Pass session tape extract.
Demo (unknown)
George Harrison
Pete Drake demoing his talking guitar: "I'm just a guitar, and everybody speaks on me..."
Danny Boy (Traditional adapted by Weatherly)
George Harrison
Peter Drake demoing his talking guitar.
Bridge Over Troubled Water (Simon)
George Harrison
Peter Drake demoing his talking guitar.
7. Old Brown Shoe (Harrison)
25 Feb 1969
George Harrison
These demos were recorded on Feb 25, 1969, George's 26th birthday. All three were done as "one man band" productions, and also appeared in somewhat inferior 1996 mixes on Anthology 3. Included here are John Barrett's 1982 mixes of the first two tracks, with "Something" coming from an original acetate just for the completeness and authenticity's sake.
8. All Things Must Pass (G. Harrison)
Barrett Mix
25 Feb 1969
George Harrison
These demos were recorded on Feb 25, 1969, George's 26th birthday. All three were done as "one man band" productions, and also appeared in somewhat inferior 1996 mixes on Anthology 3. Included here are John Barrett's 1982 mixes of the first two tracks, with "Something" coming from an original acetate just for the completeness and authenticity's sake.
9. Something (Harrison)
25 Feb 1969
George Harrison
These demos were recorded on Feb 25, 1969, George's 26th birthday. All three were done as "one man band" productions, and also appeared in somewhat inferior 1996 mixes on Anthology 3. Included here are John Barrett's 1982 mixes of the first two tracks, with "Something" coming from an original acetate just for the completeness and authenticity's sake.
10. Deep Blue (Harrison)
George Harrison
The three heretofore-uncollected-on-LP-or-CD George Harrison B-sides, have all been painstakingly remastered from the finest sources available. Just to refresh your memory: "Deep Blue" was the B-side to "Bangla Desh" issued in July 1971.
11. Miss O'dell (Harrison)
George Harrison
"Miss O'Dell" backed "Give Me Love (Give Me Peace On Earth)" in May of 1973.
12. I Don't Care Anymore (Harrison)
George Harrison
"I Don't Care Anymore" was the flip side of the US "Dark Horse" 45, released in November of 1974, and the UK "Ding Dong Ding Dong" single in December of that same year.
13. Octopus's Garden (Starkey)
Alternate Mix
(date unknown)
George Harrison
A fascinating version of Ringo's second and last authored Beatles track recorded for a George Martin IBA Network special broadcast on Christmas Eve 1969. Most of The Beatles basic tracks for the song recorded for the Abbey Road LP remained but the bass, piano and lead guitar were removed in a remix done on December 2, 1969 at Abbey Road. This was due to the need to make the track different from the record because of Musician's Union lip-syncing rules. On December 8, these parts were re-recorded by other musicians, and Ringo redid his lead vocal, but all other elements of the Beatles' recording are present.
14. Stormy Weather (Arlen/Koehler)
6 Nov 1969
George Harrison
The one and only unreleased recording from Ringo's first solo effort, the "standards" LP, Sentimental Journey. Recorded November 6, 1969 produced by George Martin at Abbey Road, and unheard until now.
15. The Wishing Book (Starkey)
Jun 1970
George Harrison
Unissued from sessions for the second Nose LP, the countrified "Beaucoups Of Blues". Recorded in late Jun 1970 at Music City Recorders in Nashville during sessions produced by Pete Drake.
16. Nashville Freak-out (unknown)
Jun 1970
George Harrison
Unissued from sessions for the second Nose LP, the countrified "Beaucoups Of Blues". Recorded in late Jun 1970 at Music City Recorders in Nashville during sessions produced by Pete Drake.
A different edit and mix of "Freakout" was titled "Nashville Jam" on the "Beaucoups Of Blues" CD reissue.
Review by: Fran�ois Vander Linden, On 13 Sep 1999
At last, new Harrison & Ringo material !
I Live For You: is a good one. Another version (is it the same or a different mix?) is available on "Songs For Patti"
Dera Duhn, Gopala Krishna and Golders Green: the three highlights of the CD since they are unreleased. All are nice songs but none is potential top-hit.
Get Back: is OK. It's a simple jam with parody lyrics.
Pete Drake Talking Guitar is the least interesting track here. Really boring. Harrison is heard talking in the background while Pete Drake chuckles and sings with his guitar...
Old Brown Shoe,All Things Must Pass and Something are available elsewhere in various mixes.
The three B-sides are what they are: B-sides.
Octopus Garden is quite interesting but is hardly listenable because it lacks all The Beatles arrangement.
Stormy Weather and The Wishing Book are great. Ringo's voice fit perfectly for jazz and country music.
Nashville Freakout is an instrumental jam. Not really exciting.
All in all, a great set of songs even though I wish there was more. 50 minutes is just too short. Particularly when 7 songs have already been bootlegged before (in various mixes).
Review by: Jim Caldwell, On 16 Sep 1999
We've been without rain most the summer, and of the four new Vigotone CDs, this one arrived like a refreshing, steady rain. I think I have some idea what George felt like when he walked in the garden and strummed "Here Comes the Sun" for the first time.
I Live For You is new to me, and I cannot fathom why it was not included on ATMP. A great song, great gosh George has been sitting on this great material and releasing inferior songs...he's a mystery. Dera Duhn is worth the entire cost of the CD. I am absolutely stunned by this track; I listen to it over and over, realizing it was written in India and could have been a Beatle track. As far as I'm concerned it is. Again, this song is simply one of George's best ever. The next two songs, Gopal Krishna and Golders Green, are also fine in their way...again I find myself reaching for them before some of the officially released tracks. And I don't think it's the novelty of their recent appearance. By the way Gopala Krishna is a nice companion song to "Chants of India." The rest of the CD is also solid, including the B sides and the Ringo material.
As usual the packaging is Grade A+. This is a great, great CD. It cleaned the summer dust from my soul and took me back to the first time I heard those great late period Beatles albums as well as ATMP. Thanks Vigotone.
Review by: Paul, On 29 Mar 2000
No, a big dissappointment! "A True Legend" is much essentially duplicates whats on here minus the Ringo material (no big loss there!). It adds some Harrison T.V. performances from the 1970's and 1990's. I can't fathom why vigotone chose to duplicate some material from "Pirate Songs." Anyway "A True Legend" is much better-get that one!
Review by: Ron, On 10 Sep 2000
"I Live for You" and "Dera Dhun" are the highlights of this set. Plus George singing "Get Back" ! Need I say more. Plus the Ringo tracks are a real surprise with the very good quality. Highly recommended.
Review by: Stephen McLaughlin On 27 Jan 2002 at 19:04 CEST
I liked this disc a lot, but mine has 20 tracks! Anybody know what the extra songs are? Does anyone else have this disc?
Review by: pimenton On 06 Apr 2004 at 23:25 CEST
A crazy disc with a great sound. Why Ringo and George together? why ringo doesn't appear on the cover of the album?...there is no answer. Un disco loco con un gran sonido. �porqu� george y ringo juntos? �porqu� ringo no aparece en la cubierta del disco? hay respuesta.
Review by: Dan Ryan On 07 Apr 2004 at 07:07 CEST
This CD is pretty boring to me. I agree with pimenton, why do George and Ringo appear together? Golder's Green is the most interesting song on the CD. The rest of the songs are below average.
Review by: mike hilliard On 16 Apr 2004 at 15:53 CEST
Great sound-many tracks available elsewhere-
"Dera Duhn"-is essential,"Get Back"-interesting
I for one appreciate a little taste of Ringo at the end-outakes from R's 1st 2 lps are cool.
If you don't have these tracks already there is no harm in trading for this cd.
Filename: vt181
Originally filled by: Fran�ois Vander Linden,
Date of creation: 06 Oct 2001 23:59:59
Last filled by: aral2
Last Revision Date : 12 Oct 2004 13:19:13
Online on : 12 Oct 2004
Type of media: Bootleg CD
Copyright � 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 BootlegZone & Fran�ois Vander Linden
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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