Gillian Welch & David Rawlings
Merlefest, Songwriter's Stage
Wilkesboro, NC
Source: Senn 441's > D10 (Mike Clark) > DAT(s) @ 16/48
Transfer: D-15 > coax > Ardour 2.11.8 @ 16/48
Cleanup: Wavelab 6.10 (cleanup, tracking, 48 > 44.1 via Crystal Resampler) > FLAC
1. Intro
2. Winter's Come and Gone
3. Wichita
4. Billy 4
5. Tear My Stillhouse Down
6. My Morphine
7. By The Mark
8. I Went Walking
9. One Morning
10. Acony Bell
11. Caleb Meyer
12. Billy 4 (from another performance at Merlefest 1998)
Gillian Welch played five or six sets at Merlefest this year. This one has a great version of My Morphine.
This is a nice, clean recording, with occasional patches of muffled wind noise (e.g., in Acony Bell). The recording was a little boomy and bass muffled, which was fixed with some careful EQ centered at 200Hz, to lower the offending tones. The levels were raised by straight +6dB and then run through the a loudness maximizer with a threshold at -2.0 dB, which brought the levels nicely up to normal.
Thanks to Mr. Zeau for the DAT.
--mhg :: 01/11/11