Gioebia (Written Gi�Bia)
Kunstkeller O27, Fuerth, Germany
April - 05 - 2013

from SEETHEFUZZ7 collection # 002

Rec. Info:
AIWA CM30 Mic -> Olympus LS11 (at WAV 16/44) -> SD -> my HD -> Audacity (edit, volume balance + boost only) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...
Recorded at first row unusual right side of center by dear SEETHEFUZZ7. A very fine recording without any flaws. And - dare I say - the old mics did a damn fine job.
All thanks straight to Nuernberg, to SEETHEFUZZ7, for this mighty great recording!

Oh well, seems like I have to lighten one up for this show. Excuse me for a moment. You'd better do the same...Alrighty, fellow exploers of the unknown sound of earth and space. This is a really weird show.
Starting with some Krautrock rhythms, jumping into 60's garage rock, spacing on with a progstyle Hammill/PMF style...then a tribal bass and drum technoid sequence, before settling down
back to the jammy garage rock. Too much of everything is just enough? If you like, as me, I would like to see that band. All mixed up within'a few moments, and I guess the aufdience was as
well. But not the Taper. Hope I'll see that band soon, but not as a Taper. I really like what I was listening to, and I just say: Press DL button as fast as you can!!! SB.


FULL SHOW (66:33 min.)

01. Intro (0:49)
02. Space intro -> Electric light (6:12)
03. We're all dreaming (4:56)
04. Are you lovin' me more (3:21)
05. ... (2:47)
06. Old Jim (2:56)
07. Magic potion (4:04)
08. ... (8:06)
09. ... (6:18)
10. Orange jam (11:46)
11. Can't kill (5:53)
12. Fuck your neighbour (3:20)
13. Encore tuning (1:30)
14. ... (4:30)

You see, help with the setlist is in need! Mi scusi, ma ora � il tuo turno...
Support the band, go to their shows,buy all their merchandise.
No lossy files, respect only. For yourself only. If you want to.
Recently I read a whole lot about ROMAN EMPEREROS. Most of them were assassiated. So, don't sell...Might be your last mistake.

The spacewarriors are most likely:

BAZU: vocals, guitar, sitar
SAFFO - organ, violin, vocals
PAOLO - bass
BETTA - drums, vocals