Globe Unity Orchestra
Chicago Jazz Festival
Chicago, IL
September 5, 1987
as broadcast live on Chicago NPR FM (see note below)
total time 46:23
Toshinori Kondo - trumpet
Kenny Wheeler - trumpet
Gunter Christian - trombone
Albert Mangelsdorff - trombone
George Lewis - trombone
Evan Parker - saxophone
Ernst-Ludwig Petrowsky - saxophone
Gerd Dudek - saxophone
Alexander von Schlippenbach - piano
Bob Stewart - tuba
Alan Silva - bass
Paul Lovens - drums
01 Intergalactic Blow (46:23) //
Recorded from a live FM broadcast by the late and much missed MM, who made a copy of his now-lost master onto a Maxell UD 90 cassette using Dolby C not long afterwards. That copy was digitized in 2021.