Asheville NC
Orange Peel
Source: Scheops MK4's(DIN)> KCY 250/05 lg> Schoeps VMS02IB> Sony PCM M10(24/48)
Lineage: M10>USB>PC>Wavelab6>CDwave>TLH>Foobar2000
Location: DFOB Slightly LOC 10' up
Taped by: John Bell
**A Team Dirty South Recording**
01. Army Dub
02. Little Pieces
03. I will Take You There
04. Just as Lost as You
05. Meet Me in The City
06. Las Vegas Dealer
07. That Wolf
08. Banter
09. California
10. Machismo
11. Equalize
12. 78 Stone Wobble
13. Options
01. Here Comes the Breeze
02. Ping One Down
03. Rhythm & Bules Alibi
04. Bring Your Lovin' Back Here
05. Girl Shaped Love Drug
06. Get Miles
07. Airstream Driver
08. See the World
09. Get Myself Arrested
10. How we Operate