Nancy (France)
Chapiteau du Parc de La P�pini�re
Nancy Jazz Pulsations Festival
(also on the bill + SoupSong + Magma)
digital aud
recorded by juhab1 with aiwa -cm30 and sony TCD-D 100
unknown transfer to cdr in 2000
cdr >EAC > wav
(in 2017 channel fix and lowering applause... and many other items*) >flac
*NOTE: there are severe mic rumblings between mins 48 to 58 mostly audible during minute 48 and 51.. i fixed them and in many cases you won't notice them...but others remain! ( but still. ..they bother tr 07->tr09)
otherwise this a pretty nice audience recording
Daevid Allen, Gilli Smyth, Didier Malherbe, Mike Howlett, Theo Travis, Chris Taylor
01 gong collage
02 You Can't Kill Me
03 Zero The Hero And The Witch's Spell
04 Witch's Song
05 I Am Your Pussy
06 Outer Temple > Inner Temple
07 Prostitute Poem (has mic rumblings in the last 30 secs)
08 Eat That Phonebook Coda (has mic rumblings in the starting 2 mins)
09 The Invisible Temple (has mic rumblings in the ending 2 mins)
10 Magdalene
11 Zeroid
12 You Never Blow Yr Trip Forever
13 -thank yous and line up announcement by --da alien david--
uploded to dime some 10yrs ago..this is a fixed version--->but the same old transfer
a hanwaker upload to dime 2017-03
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