Selestat (France)
Les Tanzmatten
3 source matrix recording
matrix mixing done by hanwaker
dec 2014
source 1: LuckyEarnie --- located a bit right of the sweet spot
MONO due to a defective plug
dpa 4061 new cabling by StereoLux / dpa MPS 6010 modified with Black Gates by StereoLux -> XLR-cables by StereoLux (thanks Heiko!) -> korg mr-1 recording 1-Bit/2.822MHz -->HD-->dithered in audiogate to 44.1-16-->some level changes in audacity--> wav--> flac(8)
source 2: starmelt -- located at the sweet spot (left from LuckyEarnie)
aiwa DS6 >Zoom H2 (44.1/16)
source 3: fliederchris -- located at the very upper balcony
Audience :
ECM 717 > Zoom H2 (44.1/16)
01 Gong tape intro + This Revolution (taped intro) 4.47
02 You Cant Kill Me 6.27
03 Occupy 3.04
04 I been stoned before 2.40
05 Long Shanks 1.21
06 O Mother 1.24
07 The Eternal Wheel Spins 6.48
08 Flute Salad 3.08
09 Oily Way 2.45
10 Outer Temple / Inner Temple 7.52
11 When God and the Devil Shake Hands 7.33
12 Master Builder 10.54
13 Tropical Fish 5.38
14 Selene 4.15
15 <encore break> 2.12
16 Dynamite 5.03
Dave Sturt - Bass
Ian East - Saxes, Flute
Fabio Golfetti - Guitar
Kavus Torabi - Guitar
Cheb Nettles - Drums
there are more masters but out of the lot these 3 made for a nice matrix result
i really like how the show sounds on this matrix
thanks to the tapers
a hanwaker project and upload to dime 2014-12
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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