Cosmopolite, Oslo, Norge
March - 10 - 2017
"Rejoice! I'm dead Tour"
Rec. Info:
AudioReality hademade stealth mics -> Olympus LS14 (@ WAV 16/44) -> Memorycard -> HD -> Memorystick (received via Snailmail) -> my HD -> Audacity (edit/volume boost/balance only) ->
WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...and sure, you'll never blow your trip forever...
Recorded by dear friend and taper genius Lars from app. 1-2 meters stage center. Sold out show at Cosmopolite this night. Unfortunately - and this is a warning for all you audiophile
collectors - the recording is marred by uncountable short dropouts due to an unproper connected mic cable. Shit happens to best of us. For the exception of these annoying dropouts (and,
hell yeah, a longer "phase" during "Rejoice!" it sounds remarkably fine. I did not correct anything here, so it's warts and all, but c'mon it's Steve Hillage joining...
A bunch of pics are included as well, as the setlist.
Usually I'm not into those bands where the legacy keeps on playing onstage while their original members have all been gone into retirement or the great wide open spaces, which is always
a bit of bitter taste...there are quite a lot to mention. Even more I was concerned that this "incarnation" of the majestic GONG was annouced to play the Burg Herzberg Festival upcoming
summer, after the passing of both Daevid Allen and Gilli Smyth, but with the approval of Daevid the story of the "Pothead Pixies" continues right on in these troubled times of hate,
terrorism, foolish leaders on the verge of agony to give a sign of peace, hope and love and care for each other human. And, oh, of course excellent music as well!
Joining in for the fun on this magical night in Oslo was master guitarero (guitarhero?) Steve Hillage adding his unique way of bending the strings into the outer orbits. Woah!
Bet you know I wish I was there, but at least our dear taper was...So enjoy the show and fill in the gaps with your imagination. I know you can do. SB.
FULL SHOW (114:21 min.)
01. Intro -> The thing that should be -> (4:59)
02. You can't kill me (9:06)
03. I've been stoned before (6:32)
04. Kapital (4:30)
05. Visions -> (3:36)
06. The unspeakable stand revealed (11:47)
07. I've never glid before (7:28) *
08. Rejoice! (11:12) *
09. Light in the sky -> (3:46) *
10. OM Riff (Master builder) (15:57) *
11. You never blow your trip forever -> (4:44) *
12. Tropical fish -> (9:17) *
13. Selene (2:50) *
14. Encore call (2:51)
15. Insert your own prophecy -> (10:16)*
16. Hurdy gurdy man (5:30)*/**
* with Steve Hillage
** Donovan song
Support this legendary band, go to their shows, buy all the merch your old trusty pixiemobile can carry!
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use. No lossy net use! Flac rules!
If you spread this, keep lineage and taper info intact. It's us tapers that give you this recording for free.
If you want to sell (this recording)...the pothead pixies will find you...
GONG 2017 are...
Fabio Golfetti � lead guitar
Dave Sturt � bass
Ian East � saxophone, flute
Kavus Torabi � guitar, vocals
Cheb Nettles � drums
DEADicated to the memory of Daevid Allen and Gilli Smyth for two of the most exciting concerts at "Holy Mountain" (Burg Herzberg).
Uploaded to DIME by Spacebandit 2017/05/09
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
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