Gong Maison

Sloanes Club,
Liverpool UK
14th December 1989

? [cuts in - end of track]
World Peace - We Circle Round
Flying Tea Dance
You Are I & I Am You
Angels Egg Coda
[band introductions]

Aiwa Mic > Aiwa Cass
Tape (1st Gen) > TEAC V-1050 > Edirol R-1 > Wavelab > Cd Wave

I used to record gigs to C120 Tapes, but as I was paranoid about the fragility of the tapes i would
copy the recording to C90 or C60.. the 120's have been long lost to the ether hense the 1st Gen tape.

This isn't the full gig, I don't think anyway, I can only imagine i messed up at the time and maybe recorded radio for a while, i did that on quite a few occasions... the tracks here fade out/in again, and again i can only imagine i did that to fit what i had on a c60 tape on moving it over, all i have done with this transfer is remove dead space between fades.

Any corrections additions to setlist are gratefully recieved.