Gordon Lightfoot
The Rams Head
Annapolis Maryland
May 14, 2019

Canon Powershot SX230 HS camera > MOV file transfered to the HD > WAV audio extracted from MOV
with TAudioConverter > Splitting with *Goldwave* > Encoding to FLAC with

Taper mlmarmer

A one set concert.

The concert did have a scary moment, as during the first song, Waiting For You, Gordon needed medical attention. The camera continued to record what was going on. Gordon recovered and continued with the song exactly where he left off. Due to the respect for Mr. Lightfoot, I deleted the non music part of that song which is track 3.

01 - Applause
02 - Waiting For You
03 - Deleted
04 - Waiting For You (Continues)
05 - Applause
06 - Cotton Jenny
07 - Applause
08 - Dialogue
09 - Race Among The Riuns
10 - Applause
11 - Dialogue
12 - Never Too Close
13 - Applause
14 - Dialogue
15 - Shadows
16 - Applause
17 - Dialogue
18 - A Painter Looking Through
19 - Applause
20 - Dialogue
21 - Beautiful
22 - Applause
23 - Dialogue
24 - The Watchman's Gone
25 - Applause
26 - Dialogue
27 - The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald
28 - Applause
29 - Band Intro's
30 - Carefree Highway
31 - Applause
32 - Did She Mention My Name
33 - Applause
34 - Applause
35 - Ribbon Of Darkness
36 - Dialogue
37 - Sundown
38 - Applause
39 - Christian Island
40 - Applause
41 - 14 Karat Gold
42 - Applause/Tuning
43 - I'd Rather Press On
44 - Applause
45 - Let It Ride
46 - Tuning
47 - If You Could Read My Mind
48 - Applause
49 - Dialogue
50 - Restless
51 - Applause
52 - Dialogue
53 - Baby Step Back
54 - Applause
55 - Dialogue
56 - Early Morning Rain
57 - Applause
58 - Dialogue
59 - Rainy Day People
60 - Applause