1995 - 06 - 17
Laconia, NH
Weir Beach
(early show)
Comments :
Harley Davidson Rally Early Show
Warren Haynes - guitar & vocals
Matt Abts - drums
Allen Woody - bass
Taper : Unknown (Thanx :-)
Source: Audience Recording >
Transfer: CD Wav(Plextor/PX-W1210A)>Flac Frontend(level eight)
Seeded by BluesOxator
From The German Mule-Junkies:
RoryGallagher (a.k.a. Axel)
Raimax (a.k.a. Rainer)
BluesOxator (a.k.a. Christian)
Chico1610 (a.k.a. Hans Otto)
"One Kickin`Ass !" Mule Project
**For the Fans......By the Fans**
Set-List :
01. - audience -
02. Mule >
03. Rocking Horse >
04. Mr. Big
05. Temporary Saint >
06. Trane > Eternity's
Breath Jam >
07. St. Stephen Jam
08. The Same Thing >
09. (fade in) Monkey Hill >
She's So Heavy Jam >
10. I Put A Spell On You >
11. Just Got Paid
Gov't Mule
1995 - 06 - 17
Boston, MA
Paradise Theater
(late show)
Warren Haynes - guitar & vocals
Matt Abts - drums
Allen Woody - bass
Neumann KM184s > DAT (Tascam DA/P1).
Recorded by Derek McCabe (Thanx).
DAT (playback on Sony PCM-R500) > coaxial S/PIDF > Audiophile 24/96-P4 PC >
recorded as 24 bit/48 KHz WAV files with Wavelab > 16 bit/44.1 KHz mastering
using Waves L3 multimaximizer > CDWAV1.9 (tracking) > FLAC (level 5) by Chris Ladner (Thanx).
CD - 1 -
01 band introduction > [00:43]
02 Mule > [05:38]
03 Rocking Horse [04:12]
04 Mr. Big > [06:05]
05 Temporary Saint > [06:01]
06 Trane > [07:58]
07 Eternity's Breath Jam [02:43]
Total time: 33:23
CD - 2 -
01 Warren talking about upcoming record release [00:25]
02 Monkey Hill > [04:30]
03 She's So Heavy jam 01:08]
04 The Same Thing [07:52]
05 Don't Step On The Grass, Sam [06:54]
06 Painted Silver Light [09:11]
07 Left Coast Groovies > [07:08]
08 World Of Difference [11:59]
09 Just Got Paid [07:06]
10 encore call [02:34]
11 Young Mule Blues intro > [01:00]
12 Look On Yonder Wall [08:54]
Total time: 68:42
Early show played earlier in the day at Harley Davidson rally in NH.
Bodacious full-bodied digital audience recording of an early Gov't Mule show.
Nothing is listed in mulebase recording-wise for this show and the setlist here
is complete (with Mulebase only listing "Monkey Hill" on).
Quick drop in levels at the start of "Rocking Hourse" as Derek adjusts the
levels in face of onslaught of amplitude. I left the drop in because you can
hear the music through faintly for about a second. Minimal peaking/distortion
on the first 7 tracks which is why I grouped them on a disc and the second half
of the show (from "Monkey Hill" on) where the levels are set _perfectly_ for the
remainder of the show.
Fingerprints :
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