Gov't Mule
Richmond, VA
Dan Warner Music Store
XL 102FM Promoted

16 bit version:

Source: 1st Gen-DAT SBD CLONE (48k)
(Source DATS provided by Joe Samaritano)
(Dat Clones Directly from the Bands Tapes)

Transfer: DAT Clone @48khz.>Sony Professional-ZA5ES>optical Out>
Edirol UA5(optical in)>coax out>Marantz OCM-PMD661@24/48khz

Editing/Mastering: .wav@ 24/48khz> WaveLab 5.0>(Levels,EQ,Mix) CD Wave Editor(tracks)>R8brian(dither to 16.44.1khz)
Trader's Little Helper>flac 16bit

Transfer,Editing and Mastering done by Matt Rappaport (aka) Muletaper
under the tutorage of Alex Ford.(thanks)

Warren & Matt acoustic (No Woody)

Set: Dolphineus > Painted Silver Light, Before You Came(cut),Panonica's Dream, End Of The Line- (MISSING)


Although a cassette SBD floats around of this in its entire form,Only This Partial SBD DAT clone has made the digital rhelm.If anybody has a copy of this thats fully intact I would love to work it up to match this.If you have a copy contact me at muletaper at AOL dot com.

A special thanks to Alex Ford for his patience and help!

