Gov't Mule
Red Rocks Amphitheatre
Morrison, Colorado
August 14, 1999
Master Audience Recorded By Mr. Darby
AKG451EB/CK1's (DIN/DFC/OTS/9 Feet High)>
Tascam Da-P1 @ 16/48
Transfer Information:Somy R500>Tascam HD-P2 @ 16/48>
HDD>Amadeus Pro (Tracking/Fades)>xACT (FLAC8)
Tracks Renamed/Dithered/Flacked With Korg Aqua To 16/44 By Keo
SBE's Checked/Fixed With Trader's Little Helper
Metadata Tagging With Tag&Rename
With Phil And Friends And Galactic
01.John The Revelator>
02.Thorazine Shuffle
03.Kind Of Bird
04.She Said, She Said>
05.Tomorrow Never Knows Jam
07.I'Ve Been Working>
09.Warren Intro's Rich Vogel
10.Sad And Deep As You With Rich Vogel On Keyboards (Galactic)
Comments:Another Huge Huge Thanks out to Mr. Darby
for recording and sharing this smoking opening Mule
set.Another excellent recording and share from the
Darby collection!
As always ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!
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