Gov't Mule
Solkol Hall
Omaha, Nebraska
September 16, 2004
Master Audience Recorded By Mr. Darby
AKG 451EB/CK1s (DIN/Front Right Corner SBD/9 Feet High)>Lunatec V3>Tascam DA-P1
Transfer Information:Sony R500>Tascam HD-P2 @ 16/48 >
HDD>Amadeus Pro (Tracking/Fades)>xACT (FLAC8)
Tracks Renamed/Dithered/Flacked With Korg Aqua To 16/44
SBE's Checked/Fixed With Trader's Little Helper
Metadata Tagging With Tag&Rename By Keo
Set 1:
02.Pygmy Twylyte>
03.Blind Man In The Dark
04.Bad Little Doggie
05.About To Rage
06.Perfect Shelter
07.Fallen Down>
08.The Other One Jam>
09.Fallen Down
10.Thelonius Beck
11.She Said, She Said>
12.Tomorrow Never Knows Jam
13.Which Way Do We Run?
14.Thorazine Shuffle, Set Break
Set 2:
16.Grinnin' In Your Face>
17.Mother Earth
18.Lola Leave your Light On
19.Slackjaw Jezebel
20.Lively Up Yourself>
22.Red Clay
25.Encore Break
26.Comfortably Numb>
Comments:Another Huge Thanks out to Mr. Darby for
recording and sharing his source for this show!
Another excellent recording and share from the Darby
collection of master audiences!
AS ALWAYS ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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