Gov't Mule - 2008-08-31 - Red Rocks Amphitheatre - Morrison, Co FLAC
Taper: Sikki
Our left (warren's side) 9th row
Quality: A+ Audience Recording
Sony MD Mz-NH600 Pcm Mode>Sony ECM-DS70P Mic>Battery Box W/Bass Roll Off>Sonic Stage>Gold Wave>CD Wave>Db Poweramp>You
Ok, heres the deal, I am a moderate Mule fan, My lady Jen (keepinon) was supposed to help me with the track list, But i had problems transferring at 1st, so she went to bed, and now i am here wanting to post this show ASAP before makes it available and it gets pulled here, so please do me and everybody a favor here, can you please help me with the tracklist?.....i know some songs but not all and this recording came out way too good not to share before it gets pulled.......thanx .....sikki
For jam bands bootlegs of all kind that you wont find anywhere else please register to keepinon's jammin' bands.....heres the link