ArtiSchocken, Nuernberg, Germany
March - 12 - 2016
from SEETHEFUZZ7 collection # 270
Rec. Info:
AIWA CM30 -> Olympus LS11 (@ WAV 16/44) -> SDcard -> HD -> WeTransfer -> my HD -> Audacity (edit/remaster) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...
Recorded by the FUZZMAN close to the stage almost dead center. Very fine recording with a just a few balance adjustments done and a bit of mid/low end corrected.
A few pics/original setlist are included...
The return of the St.Petersburg PsychStoners to Nuernberg. A real supreme 60 minutes of fine music, only... this way way too short... Due to the curfew at 0:00 and the -
as I've been told - overlength playing time for the opening acts - and maybe "the hotel owners" were quite tired after 23 shows in a row cross Europe. Respect!
And, of course, heavy guitar slinging, spacey moments, thrilling spaces MADE LOULD TO PLAY LOUD...SB
FULL SHOW (70:35 min.)
01. Soundcheck (9:07)
02. The grasshopper lies heavy (12:36)
03. The serpent and the garden of eden (14:18)
04. Pale blue dot (7:23)
05. Terrible mistake (12:57)
06. Masterplan (5:51)
07. Encore call (1:26)
08. Aelita, the queen of the mars (6:53)
facebook/bandcamp and other sites...
Support this fantastic band, go to their shows, buy all their merch that your spaceship can carry.
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use only. No lossy net use! Flac rules!
If you spread keep lineage/taper info intact. It's us tapers that give you this recording for free!
If you sell (this recording) get probably washed ashore the Newa river...
Kamille Sharapodivov - guitar, vocals
Danila Davidov - vocals, percussion, keyboards
Igor Suvarov - guitar
Eugene Truhkin - bass
Alex Filippov - drums
Uploaded to DIME by Spacebandit 2016/03/20
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: