Rare Guitar, Muenster, Germany
February - 19 - 2017
It's a Spacebandit so you're in there!
Rec. Info:
Okm2R -> Zoom H2n (@ WAV 16/44) -> Memorycard -> HD -> Audacity (edit/volume balance/boost only) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...
Recorded by yours truly @ app one meter stage left side. Excellent quality, a few chatters audible (me, too), but nothing any distracting. Very fine sound at start, a little bit
muddy during the long track and the encore has the vocals too low in the mix. But, hell yeah, this sounds good! MADE LOUD TO PLAY LOUD!
A few "experimental" pics from my crappy camera are included, as well as the setlist scan. Big thanks to Martin from PB for driving safe and cool.
Thanks (grateful)ly to Kamille and the boys for allouwing me to tape and spread. Always a pleasure...
It's been already almost five years since mine and the ways of this fabulous band from St.Petersburg, Russia crossed on the Yellowstock Festival. I was immediately amazed from their
psyched rock performance in the blazing heat of almost 40 Celsius when the tower speakers refused to give it was fine to see them in my home aera just a few days later.
Something clicked right away, but I've seen them too less in the following years until last year when they put on an amazing show at "Krach am Bach" Festival also close to my home.
And then it was "PsychedelicNetworkFestival#9" in Wuerzburg last November with the "offspring project" of LEGENDARY FLOWER PUNK which blew my mind away as well.
Awesome. Just simply awesome...
But the real deal was just a few daze from writing these lines. What a blast it was in Muenster's finest small "livingroom" location. I'm not going to say that the songs played were
exceptional versions, but "playing for friends" the vibe and electrity from stage and back was magical. Too sad it was a sunday evening in my provicial capitol city, so only a few people
showed up for this brainmelting experience. Well those there could all be named "experts of the fine music". And from the aftershow reactions, I don't think anyone left without a big smile.
So now...let's get the music do the talking! Enjoy this every little microsecond. All worth listening! And enjoy a puffy cloud, too. SB.
FULL SHOW (80:57 min.)
01. The grasshopper lies heavy (13:15)
02. Pale blue dot (6:44)
03. Igor's tuning (0:56)
04. Terrible mistake -> All the same -> Terrible mistake (17:09)
05. Masterplan (6:13)
06. The nine lives of Dersu Uzala (Verse 2) (22:09)
07. Encore intro (1:08)
08. Mania grandiosa (13:20) *
* my fave, best version ever heard. first song on Yellowstock 2012.
bandcamp/facebook or other sites...
Support this fantastic band, go to their shows, buy all their official releases and merchandise, too!
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use. No lossy net use. Flac rules!
If you spread keep lineage/taper info intact. It's us tapers that give you this recording for free!
If you sell (this recording)...may your rotten corpse will wash out with the Narwa river...
Kamille Sharapodinov - Epiphone hollowbody guitar, vocals
Igor Suvorov - Black Fender Stratocaster guitar
Danila Danilov - vocals, keyboards, percussion
Farid Azizov - Fender five string bass
Nik Kunavin - GingerBonham thunder drums
@ the band: Simply "Danke schoen". We'll meet again soon. Hope you'll like the recording. Done my best.
Uploaded to DIME by Spacebandit 2017/03/03
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: