Greensky Bluegrass
Saturday, June 09, 2012
Pittsburgh, Pa.
2012 Three Rivers Arts Festival
Bluegrass Day
Mellon Stage
All recording, mastering & transferring done by CopyKatz Engineering. Taping & recording great music since 1972.
This is my 2nd posting of a recorded event online. Feel free to leave comments (positive or negative) so that as I dig
into my vault for future postings I can make them better for yinz all. As Irene, my mom, used to tell me ... "If you're
not going to do the best that you can do ... Don't do it at all!"
Katz tails:
I was set to break in my Octava MK-012 ... but just prior to start of Greensky set (which was the opening act
of Bluegrass Day at the Pittsburgh Arts Festival) the Greensky's sound engineer asked if any of us (there
were 3 others just in front of the board) wanted a digital feed ... the others declined & I was about to also
... as this was going to be my mics 1st time usage ... but then I discussed with my neighbor about him
sending me the show & I was going to create a matrix version (I gave him my addy ... but he still has yet to
contact me about the show! So I accepted his offer (am trult sorry to have forgotten his name) as well as his
request to post it here. I remained patched to the board for the remaining 2 acts { Del McCoury Band & The
Peter Rowan Bluegrass Band }. I am still awaiting reply from both artists as to my request to post their sets
online. As for my mics initial show ... it came the following day as Bruce Hornsby & The Noisemakers was the
festival closing act. Other notable acts at the 2012 Pittsburgh Arts Festival, which is ten days long: The
Wailors, Dawes, The Boogie Hustlers, Carolina Chocolate Drops & Kathleen Edwards. The Pittsburgh Arts
Festival is an annual event that starts the 1st Friday in June & ends 10 days later ... all music acts were
totally free!
Recording equipment:
Digital soundboard feed ---> Pro Co DynaMike 224S cables ---> Tascam DR-40, mastering as 24bit/96000Hz .wav.
SDHC card ---> Tascam DR-40 ---> Tascam's USB cord ---> HP G60-530US Notebook
Used Audacity 2.0.0 (Unicode) for normalization & create tracks. Then to FLAC MP3 Converter to create .flac
files from the .wav files, that is just the name of the software ... this has never been in the .mp3 format.
All checksums & torrent files created with Trader's Little Helper 2.7.0 (Build 172)
*note: missing about 30 seconds of opening tune as the sound engineer had no output at first, until I notified
him of this problem ... which was quickly fixed!
Please help me with the setlist ... I gave my best shot at the songs titles!
Setlist :
01) (joined in progress) I Told You That I Love You
02) Tuning
03) Nothing Left To Show
04) Banter & Tuning
05) Jaywalking --->
06) ?
07) Banter & Tuning
08) I Don't Wanna Change --->
09) Somebody Lied
10) Tuning
11) Dancing In The Park
12) Banter & Tuning
13) Eye Of The Tiger (Tease)
14) Banter
15) Handgun
16) Banter & Tuning
17) ?
18) Tuning
19) Let My Heart Be Free
20) Cry Only To Lord
21) Outtro & Crowd
Many thanks to the Mellon Bank, for taking care of the bands' fees so the public got to see all shows for
free, as well as the hospitality folk (that were all volunteers) for keeping the park clean & green (as
they maintained recycling spots in various locations throughout the park).
I dedicate this posting to the sound engineer for openly offering a digital feed!!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: