Grover Washington Jr Quartet - Boston, Ma 1973-04-03 FM, CTI Era (Jazamo Fix)
A fan of the early 70's C.T.I. Record label, it was a time when I became passionate about all styles of Jazz. I thought I'd share some CTI era artists that have been posted previously in Dime.
Here's a rare Grover Washington jr show recorded in Boston for WBCN radio performing his 1st set of the night in the spring of 1973. Grover's solo career started with KUDU / CTI records when Hank Crawford missed a session date as a leader, and Creed Taylor gave Grover a shot. This show features his early talents as a saxaphonist and a leader. This set smokes, and includes 4 songs Grover never recorded in the studio (Unknown 1 & 2), Invitation (Bronsilaw Kaper), & MR. P.C. (John Coltrane), plus one of the earliest performances by bassist Charles Fambrough. All Praise to the original seeders Carville / Allsoundz and recordist Neil Cronin, and as always Your Comments Are Appreciated!!!
Grover Washington Jr. Quartet
The Jazz Workshop
Boston, MA
April 3, 1973
Grover Washington Jr. - Soprano, Alto, & Tenor Saxophones
Bill Meek - Fender Rhodes piano
Charles Fambrough - Electric & Acoustic bass
Daryl Brown - Drums
1) WBCN Intro (:28)
2) Mercy Mercy Me (8:46)
3) (Unknown 1) (11:52)
4) Lover Man (7:23)
5) Invitation - Bass Solo (10:44)
6) Mr. P.C. (6:36)
7) Ain't No Sunshine (12:51)
8) (Unknown 2) / band into's/ Set End (3:48)
9) WBCN Outro (1:03)
original transfer:
FM broadcast > master reel tape > 1st gen reel played back on Akai GX4000D >
Numark 20 Band Equalizer > HHB CDR 830 by allsoundz from 1st gen reel (recorded by NC)
Jazamo Fixes:
With Audacity split first and Last songs to make separate WBCN radio into / outro tracks-1 & 9, plus added fade in / out to these tracks. Also remove pops on tracks 4,5,& 6. Artwork created by Scooter123.
Original Flac > Wav > Jazamo fixes > alighn sectors > Flac > Check Decode > traders little helper
All the best in Music!
Jazamo (June 2012)
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: