Guided By Voices

July 24, 1997

The Galaxy, St. Louis MO

01 - Maggie Turns To Flies
02 - Jane of the Waking Universe
03 - Little Lines
04 - Get Under It
05 - Tractor Rape Chain
06 - I've Owned You For Centuries
07 - Striped White Jets
08 - Psychic Pilot Clocks Out
09 - Teenage FBI
10 - The Old Grunt
11 - Bulldog Skin
12 - I am a Tree
13 - Hot Freaks
14 - Flat Beauty
15 - Not Behind The Fighter Jet
16 - Smothered In Hugs
17 - Knock 'em Flying
18 - Stabbing a Star
19 - Shocker In Gloomtown
20 - Lord of Overstock
21 - encore
22 - My Impression Now
23 - Game of Pricks
24 - Motor Away
25 - I am a Scientist
26 - The Official Ironmen Rally Song
27 - Exit Flagger
28 - My Valuable Hunting Knife
29 - Postal Blowfish
30 - Weed King


Recording/transfer info unknown.
I must've traded for it years ago.

Excellent-sounding show (probably a soundboard) from the GBVerde era promoting "Mag Earwhig". Some abrupt cuts and dropouts, usually between songs.