Guy Forsyth & Carolyn Wonderland
June 15, 2010
McGonigel's Mucky Duck
Houston, Texas
source: Soundboard>MarantzCDR420(16bit44.1kHzWAV)>FLAC
taped by joshua cain
hanwaker got raw flac files,mastered and tracked 2012-11
tt 143;05 mins
01 intro
02 Things That Matter [GF]
03 I Am The Man [CW]
04 Adam's Rib [GF]
05 Love In NYC [CW]
06 Dark End Of The Street [GF]
07 intro to..
08 Take A Chance On Me [CW]
09 Lead-Foot Larry [GF]
10 Still Alive And Well [CW]
11 <?>[GF]
12 -banter-
13 <?>[CW]
14 <?>[GF]
15 <?>[CW]
16 -banter-
17 <?>[GF]
18 <?>[CW]
19 <?>[GF]
20 -banter-
21 <?>[CW]
22 <?>[GF]
23 -banter-
24 What Good Can Drinking Do[CW] (janis joplin)
25 <?>[GF]
26 Two Trains [CW]
27 I'm Going Home [GF]->
28 Long Long Time [GF]
29 -banter-
30 <?> (GF+CW)(dedicated to tvz)
31 <?>[CW]
32 <?>[GF]
33 <?>[CW]
split cds after tr 17
a joshuaCain recording a hanwaker mastering and upload to dime 2012-11
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