Hamid Baroudi
stage 2 Botanic Park,
(incomplete )
Caravan II Baghdad

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totally shredding set by this guy, he was on fire.
this set was really loud, but it still has a nice sound and the audience made noise in the right places, not during songs..
master D6 cas >Sony ECM 150 mic > mac pro> cd> mac pro>adobe audition 2021 > xact>sbe flac 8
recorded> edited and transferred GodzgolfBall

Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.

Images for this show:

HamidBaroudi2004-03-06BotanicParkAdelaideAustralia (1).jpg
HamidBaroudi2004-03-06BotanicParkAdelaideAustralia (2).jpg
HamidBaroudi2004-03-06BotanicParkAdelaideAustralia (3).jpg
HamidBaroudi2004-03-06BotanicParkAdelaideAustralia (4).jpg