Happy Apple

The Artists Quarter
St. Paul, Mn


Taped by: dave kunath (o-canis) dpaulku@gmail.com
Seed: empty
Location: (see notes)
Mic Config: (see notes)
Source: (see notes)
mics> snake> Mackie SR24/4VLZ> Oade T+mod UA5 (analog) > JB3 16/48 wav

Conversion: JB3 > sb1394 > CPC v3.02.5 (Pc) > Flac burn
Format: 16-bit, 44.1 kHz
Editing: Adobe Audition 1.0 (see Post Notes)
CD-Wave (tracking)
Traders Little Helper (SBE check/repair)
/ ### FREE ###
/ Thank you for taking time to audit this recording.
/ The musicians allowed this recording for FREE. Do NOT sell or trade this
/ recording for profit of any kind. Keep it FREE.
/ Please, help ensure live recordings remain easily accessible by supporting
/ the musicians: Attend their shows, buy their studio releases, pick up
/ some merch and bring a new friend to this music next time it's played near you.
/ Spread the word
/ Thanks!

DISC ONE [55:34]
Set 1

01...Davis Wilson intro [2:15]
02. The Broad Side of the Silent Barn [5:05]
03. Mike Fleetwood [9:57]
04... Thanks/Sleepy Sunday residuals [3:29]
05. Lefsa Los Cubanos [9:42]
06... don't leave/the health nuts [4:11]
07. Freelance Robotics [16:26]
08... we get inside ourselves [4:26]

DISC TWO [35:11]
Set 1 cont.

01. Marvin Says [11:57]
02... we're unatractive to People [6:07]
03. He's O.K. [6:32]
04... intros/# at Crate & Barrell [3:10]
05. 1976 Aquatennial Parade [7:22]

DISC Three [79:05]
Set 2

01. When In North Dakota [10:23]
02... Pro gear, pro outlook... [4:49]
03. "Pro Mountain Dew/Code Red"(AKA Dill) [3:42]
04. Proud to Be All Heart [17:49]
05... Longest note competition [3:15]
06. Brown Lights [8:19]
07... Re-intros/Galliger fantasy [3:22]
08. Calgon For Hetfield [6:06]
09... thanks [1:46]

10. Go (Base 13) [3:00]

Source notes:
(sub 1=LT sub 3=RT)
ADK A51s - bass cab/sub 3
SP C4/c - drum tom/sub 1-3
ADK 51TL/h - sax mic for house/sub 1
2 x Nak CM1000/CP-101 - X-Y DFC lip/sub 1-3
SP C4/o - keyboard amp/sub 1-3
2 x ATM63HE hyper dyn - King & Davis talk

(Only post processing noted below was applied to this material.)

Editing done in 16bit/48khz realm:
- Fades -
IN/out (transition between discs is seamless)

- compression -
cmp 4.8 : 1 above -9.6 dB
cmp 1.5 : 1 below -9.6 dB
cmp 1.1 : 1 below -21.7 dB
exp 1.2 : 1 below -43.8 dB
Compensation Gain = 2dB

- Parametric EQ (after compression! D'oh!)
70hz/500hz width/+1.7 db
535hz/2000hz width/-1 db
3380hz/8000hz width/-5.8 db

Master Gain +/- 0 db

- Hard Limit - bumped all discs 3db w/-0.5db limit

- Resampled/dithered to 16bit/44.1khz