Hard Working Americans
Bijou Theatre
Knoxville, TN

Source: Josephson C42MP > Sound Devices 788t (24/48)
Location: FOB, DFC, Row K Seat 16, 6 ft. high

DSP: Sound Devices 788t > Wave Agent > Wavelab 6 (fades, tracks, dither w/UV22 HR, resample) > FLAC v1.2.1 (L8) as build in TLH v2.6.0.(Build 168)

Flac files tagged using Foobar Live Show Tagger

Recorded by: Daniel Kopp
Taped & Transferred by Daniel Kopp (taperhead@gmail.com)

* A Team Dirty South Recording *

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One Set:

01. Happy Birthday Dave*
02. Ascending Into Madness*
03. Stomp And Holler*
04. Another Train >
05. Is this Thing Working > Train
06. Stuck On The Corner
07. Mountain Song
08. Down To The Well
09. Run A Mile
10. Band Intros
11. Welfare Music
12. Mission Accomplished
13. Blackland Farmer
14. Shake x 5
15. Wrecking Ball
16. Straight To Hell
17. Encore Break
18. Guaranteed
19. Happy Birthday Dave
20. Come From The Heart

* sorry for the chatter due to prick behind us complaining of mic in his view. The mic was 6 ft. high in a seat that I had paid for and no different than someone standing there at the seat. Actually, the rig is low profile and much better than someone standing in front of your seat. person(s) behind me were just being difficult. Security was called and all matters resolved but most of the conversation and negotiations took place during the first few songs.