Harvey Mandel
San Francisco Bay area

Source: SBD > DAT(s) via Chief and David McGee
Transfer: Sony PCM-R500 > Tascam DA-3000 by Charlie Miller
Master: Izotope RX 9 Advanced (repairs on 1st two tracks) by SirMick
Wavelab 10 (tracking, levels, remove DC offset) > FLAC 1648

Thanks to Alan Bershaw for help with the song titles.

01. Before Six *
02. Cristo Redentor *
03. Whinin' Whiskey
04. Jack's Coffee Shop
05. Let's Stay Together
06. My Soul's On Fire
07. The Midnight Sun
08. Unknown (Howard Wales song?)
09. Miami Rain
10. Hideaway
11. Wade On The Water

* damaged

Harvey Mandel - guitar
Lori Davidson - vocals
Boots Houstin - saxophone
Chris Sandoval - drums
Bobby "The Squid" Scott - bass
Howard Wales - keyboards

The October 21, 1994, Santa Cruz Sentinal reports that Harvey Mandel was at the Gibson Guitar 100th anniversary party at the Fillmore in San Francisco on October 20. Therefore, this performance was somewhere nearby. The place was pretty empty, wherever it was.

The first 8 minutes of the first two tracks are a mess and are here only for completists. They were were riddled with digital dropouts arising from the degraded tape. SirMick used IZotope RX 9 Advanced to repair the first two tracks which makes them listenable. Before Six has a small section patched in from the version that features in another show. It is a fairly close match. It's highly likely that there is a substantial amount missing as the three other performances circulating of this song are all around 6 minutes in length. The second track, Cristo Redentor, has what sound like speed issues, also stemming from gaps in the recording. At about 8 minute in, everything clears up and the rest of the recording is undamaged. There is a brief panning change about 40 minutes it that was left alone. You can pretend you turned your head to look over your shoulder for a second.

Also... Howard Wales!


--mhg :: 2022-01-14